Thursday, April 21, 2011

How To Get A Girls Attention - 3 Points On What You Must Know To Get A Girl To Notice You Instantly!

What if I asked you the question 'How To Get A Girls Attention'? What would your response be? How accurate do you think it would be based on application to your own dating life? Wouldn't it be great to have more successes than failures? Now would it make it easier if I gave you some essential information that would start your journey on learning how to get a girls attention? Better still, wouldn't it be great if you could get it for FREE! Just for you and because I personally know where you are (frustrated, annoyed, dateless). I want to help you out. I will list below the most important things for you to know as a foundation in order for you to understand how to get a girls attention. It will help you understand girls a little better and why tips you have read in the past work! All the tips revolve around these concepts and each point leads to the next.

* How to get a girls attention with your looks? First you have to understand that you don't have to be great looking. Sure it helps, but us guys are the ones that rank looks over everything else in girls. Girls are different. Girls are tuned in to other little cues that a guy gives out mainly through his BODY LANGUAGE! If you asked them, they wouldn't know this, but they are VERY good at it. It's just like asking you why a certain girl's hot. You just know!

* How to get a girls attention with Body Language? You see, Girls are VERY tuned in to BODY LANGUAGE. Did you know that body language accounts for 93% in ALL types of verbal and non-verbal communication? It's not that us guys don't do it It's just that girls are MUCH, MUCH better at picking it up and interpreting it! So why bother wasting your time learning stupid pickup lines. You now know a better way of how to get a girls attention. LEARN BODY LANGUAGE SKILLS! A guys body language needs to portray that he is STRONG and CONFIDENT so he can attract a girl and 'push her buttons'.

* CONFIDENCE IS KING when it comes to knowing how to get a girls attention! If you get nothing else from this article, just take this one thing and start learning how to get a girls attention with CONFIDENCE! For a girl to see a guy that's confident is like a guy seeing a hot girl in a bikini on the beach. It's magnetic. So how does a girl tell if a guy is confident? By the way he moves, acts and speaks. Again it's to do with her subconsciously reading body language! Now there are ways you can appear confident that I have outlined in other articles and my website, but if you are only faking it in order to get her, you'll slip up in some area or another and it will shine through like day light! WORK ON BEING MORE CONFIDENT and the woman part will take care of itself. Trust me! The good thing about confidence is my tips will help you get confident around women, and that 'assisted' confidence will help build natural confidence around girls for you. It's win-win!

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How To Get A Girl's Attention: Why Learning To Become Irresistible Will Result In Women Chasing You!

If you're a heterosexual male, you more or less would like to know how to get a girls attention and the best way of doing so. You have probably searched magazines and surfed the internet looking for answers to what seems should be an easy question, but you get bombarded with information from all angles and it all conflicts with each other! So where do you start to learn how to get a girls attention?

I know and have been in the scenario you regularly go through. You see her and in an instant you feel your heart skip a beat and you start to get all nervous. You might start to sweat a little. All those little negative voices start coming up in your head like, "I'm too old, bald, ugly, boring etc". Then you start ordering your brain that you want to get her attention, but with all the ideas it seems you get more confused and just become paralysed. If you don't end up making a fool of yourself, chances are she won't even notice you at all! And that's not how you get a girls attention.

"Maybe I'll try to impress her with a 'cheesy' pick up line I got off that website and hope for the best?" "Maybe I'll just go up to her and say hello in a weak little voice so she can hardly hear how nervous I am?" Wouldn't it be good if we could all control our nerves? Then we could think clearer in the moment and then how to get a girls attention wouldn't be such a complex issue! And then...she's gone! You've spent all that time working yourself up trying to boost your confidence. Well at least you have an answer now. No! If you would have only tried ANYTHING you would have had more chance of success. I've been there, so if there's anyone who knows how you feel it's me. I was desperate to turn it all around for myself so I started to learn how to get a girls attention.

How To Get A Girls Attention:

I learnt that the most powerful way on how to get a girls attention was to become a head turner was to work on myself and change myself over a period of time. Slowly you start to notice more and more women start to take notice of you. Over time, this is how to get a girls attention INSTANTLY! You have to work your confidence by continually facing your fears and finding new ones to overcome. This doesn't seem logical on the surface, but women know are VERY attracted to guys that are full of confidence. Ever wondered why women like bad boys even though they are no good for them? It's because they are confident in going against the rules. They can't logically choose that it's bad for them because the emotion of attraction is too strong! I'm not suggesting you become a bad boy, but we can learn from them and turn things around to our advantage and create something even STRONGER than they can! You don't be 'bad' to girls, but you be 'cheeky' and playful. You treat her like she's your bratty little sister and tease her. Girls LOVE a challenge. Now you know why girls (and even guys) go after those that are hard to get!

So how do you get a girls attention? What will make you irresistible to women and have them chasing you? How can you INSTANTLY start turning heads? You LEARN to get a girls attention! You LEARN to become a mature MAN that magnetically attracts women so she becomes the one trying to get YOUR attention! As a mature man, you will naturally be full of MALE CONFIDENCE which women find irresistible and they can read subconsciously if you're confident or not through your BODY LANGUAGE! And beyond getting her attention, you somehow are mysteriously able to create POWERFUL attraction with a woman! It seems hard to believe but yes I've seen it happen with myself. So with a bit of education, I'm sure you can do it too! Wouldn't it be good once you know for yourself how to get a girls attention?

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Secret Tips Revealed On How To Get A Girls Attention: You Can Get That Girl To Notice You Instantly!

Have you worked out how to get a girls attention and keep it? Would you like to know the secrets on how to get a girls attention and be the one turning heads not only of girls, but even of MEN? (Yes it's an unfortunate side effect!)

It Is because you don't yet have the required knowledge and/or education in how to get a girls attention, creating POWERFUL attraction and keeping it! Congratulations on taking the first step! Now keep reading...

Imagine the power you would have by knowing how to get a girls attention effortlessly. Feel now, the feeling of being the Mack Daddy among the girls and the envy of all your friends! Having girls find you IRRESISTIBLE and paying you constant attention. No more lonely Saturday nights as you will never be short of a date. Instead of being labelled a sleaze for turning your head, you will be the one turning the heads! Knowing how to get a girls attention is a great and exciting feeling!

I'm going to outline a few points on how to get a girls attention for you that will need a little bit of change in the way you see girls and the way you approach the topic. Once you work out how to get a girls attention, you'll wonder why you hadn't researched it sooner!

I won't go into much detail about why these techniques work due to lack of space, but they work on the concept of portraying CONFIDENCE through BODY LANGUAGE! CONFIDENCE is king when it comes to attracting a woman. If you were to ask me how to get a girls attention in one word, then this would be it! If you don't follow any other tips from this article, at least work on your CONFIDENCE! It's priceless and powerfully attractive to girls!

OK so I promised, here are ONLY A FEW SECRETS on how to get a girls attention:

* Dress nice. You don't have to overdo's actually better if you don't.

* Talk/speak from your chest with a deep resonating masculine voice. Practice speaking as low as you can. Speak slowly and don't rush. Talk clearly and put some expression into what you say.

* How to get a girls attention like a celebrity? Watch plenty of movies of actors that are good with the girls (like James Bond 007) and start learning and imitating what they do!

* Walk around and ACT like you own the place no matter where you are!

* Tease her like she's your little sister. Tease, but don't be mean!

* Do any movements at half pace, including blinking and maintain strong eye contact (not intimidating, but don't keep flickering away because it communicates you're not sure of yourself and what you're saying... remember CONFIDENCE). A tip is if you get eye contact with a woman and she looks away first and in a down direction, it's like submission and you're in with a good chance! Especially if she smiles as well!

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Tips on How to Date Women

We cannot underestimate the power of dating. It is a process that helps us improve our communication skills and opens up a world of opportunities of us. Dating helps give us a chance to show the world that we are ready to open up and change our circumstances.

It is necessary to understand how to date a woman the right way. If a man learns the right attitude on a date it opens up a world, an option, a new perspective and a direction in life.

The basic thing to understand is that you need not be scared of rejection. Rejection is a vital part in dating. It helps you gain insights. If one date does not work out, do not lose hope and start all this negative thoughts about women and relationships. Instead you must use it for your gain. If a particular date was offended because of something that you said and the date did not work out, be sure to never commit it on your next encounter with another woman.

The next tip on how to date a woman is putting your guard down. It is useless to put a fa�ade. Masks do not go very well because it makes a person feel that you are being unnatural to them. Be natural, act natural and say the real things about you. But be sure to put yourself in a positive mindset. You don't have to tell them why your previous relationship did not work out. Instead tell what you have learned about your past relationships and how you want to make things better for the next one.

Stop being egoistic. Do not be so eager in flaunting your money and career achievements. You don't have to try so hard to impress, most especially when you are on date. You are not there to prove who you are. You are there to share genuine interests and hobbies, and you are on date because you want to connect with someone on a deeper and emotional level. Once a woman sees that you are sincere and that you want to get to know her better then you increase your chance on achieving your goal.

Be humble but remain true to who you are. Talk about what you are passionate about in life, the music that you listen to and ask her the same things. Discuss about the good things in life and create a positive vibe for the both of you. The goal is to have a good time. That's how to date women.

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Trying To Win A Girl Is Like Selling A Car - Well, Almost

Trying to win a girl is like selling a car. You have to offer something that is in demand, and make it easy for her to say "yes". But just how do you do that?

While much depends on who you are and who she is, there are a few ground rules that you need to follow. I'll continue with the car analogy to show you what they are.

First, are you a shining new top-of-the-range model with all the latest gadgets, a powerful engine that does 0 to 60 in 5 seconds and a luxurious interior that oozes charm and sophistication?

Or are you more down market, a more economical type with an emphasis on safety features, sporting a ten-year anti-corrosion warranty and impressive fuel-consumption figures?

If you have a few miles on the clock perhaps you make up for it with proven low maintenance costs, a full service history and just one previous, careful owner.

Let's hope you don't have much to hide; no worn tyres, concealed accident damage or a battery about to give up the ghost.

What are you like on a test run? Do you live up to the expectation generated by your gleaming exterior and welcoming aroma? Or are there one or two worrying noises coming from the gearbox? And does the exhaust smell offensive?

This analogy isn't quite as flippant as it sounds. If you're going to win a girl then you have to make at least as great an effort as the seller of a car. And the first thing most successful car sellers take into account is what kind of person is likely to be attracted by the kind of car they are selling.

So what kind of girl do you think would be attracted to you? Someone who loves the excitement of racing through the gears and driving at top speed? Or a quieter girl, who would be happy to travel in the slow lane as long as she doesn't suffer a breakdown? Establish this and you're half way to knowing how to get a girlfriend.

The important point is that if you don't seem to be having success in attracting the kind of girl who you would feel happiest with then you will have to do something to make yourself attractive to that kind of girl.

Just as the seller of a car that has a defect would probably have to fix it before he can sell it for the price he wants.

Let's look at what your kind of girl wants in a guy. While this will vary from one girl to another, there is one thing that almost any girl craves.

And that is to be made to feel good about herself.

It's not about how wonderful you are. It's about how wonderful she is. And in what way you let her know she's wonderful.

If you can provide that then you have the vital quality required to win a girl.

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How To Get A Girls Attention? It's Easy Once You Know And Start To Implement These 4 Principles!

So tell me, do you know how to get a girls attention? Maybe you want just the attention of one, or maybe you want the attention of many! Not only just get the attention, but keep it as well.

Let me ask you this? How do you get a girls attention when you haven't succeeded so far? Do girls never give you a second look or take interest in anything you have to say? Do you think it's possible for you to reverse all this? I've been there i know how frustrated you are.

What if i was to tell you that IT IS POSSIBLE to change all that and start getting what you DESERVE and have your friends ask you how to get a girls attention! Don't believe me? Read on...

You see my friend, you are reading this because you are looking for a solution to your problem. It's where i started my journey as well. I educated myself and tried it out in the field with success here and there. I won't say I'm an absolute genius or player or anything, but i know A LOT more now about how to get a girls attention, and it's fun to get noticed for a change! And with some little crutches, you can get a girls attention INSTANTLY! I couldn't believe they worked so EASY when I tried them!

So now i guess i better give you something to try now that I've got you all excited! How to get a girls attention isn't too hard once you start to implement these basic principles.

The Principles:

* The BIGGEST SECRET I can give you in how to get a girls attention is that girls look for CONFIDENCE through a man's BODY LANGUAGE! So work on becoming an all round confident man. It will naturally give you a positive body language that women will be able to INSTANTLY interpret! Remember, women are good at this body language thing!

* Why bother learning pick up lines etc when we can use Body Language to communicate with women? Again, work on improving your body language through becoming confident instead! If you portray a confident body language to her, she is going to melt and get all nervous, just like what happens to you when you approach an attractive woman!

* Smile more and stand more upright! How would you stand if you could attract any girl? How would you walk if you could attract any girl? What would your facial expression be? Think to yourself "i KNOW how to get a girls attention" instead of questioning "how to get a girls attention"! Look 'cool' and relaxed and do everything (including blinking) at half speed (this will take some practice, so be sure to always practice and not just when there is a woman around you'd like to get to notice you).

* Don't be too nice to girls. I'm not saying be a jerk, but don't do things so you lose control of the situation. If you lose control and give her the power over you, it's over! For example, buying her flowers, and telling her how pretty she looks. These things have a time and a place, but NOT in the beginning! So how to get a girls attention without over doing the nice? Girls LOVE a challenge and you want to one, be a challenge, two, stay in control and three, stand out from all the other guys! Be a challenge! The best way to be is to treat her like she's you're bratty little sister. Don't be mean, but don't be nice! Practice and you'll start to learn how to regulate how far to go. It's fun for you, and it's a great way not only of how to get a girls attention, but also how to KEEP IT!

How to get a girls attention is not as hard as you think or out of your grasp... you're taking the first step towards your success. Do you think you could handle knowing how to get a girls attention?

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5 Things Women Are In Search Of When Looking For A Man

Women look for many things in a partner, but here are the 5 key traits women want in a man:

The first thing on the list of 5 things women want in a man is that the man has to be employed. With the career women of today, most women want men who have stable and rewarding career. Women believe if you are employed, you have stability in your life. If a woman sees that a man can hold a steady job, then it would be a strong indication for the woman to see that the man, can handle for a steady relationship.

Second, women don't go for superficial traits like men. One of the key traits that women want in a man is his sense of humor. Women love men who can make them laugh, smile, and keep in a good mood, which keeps them content. Happiness, even in its simplest form, is ultimately what a woman needs to even fall in love with a man.

Third, women also want men who have manners. Gentlemen still have a place in the hearts of modern women. Women want to be around respectable and mature men who would be their husbands and fathers of their babies.

Intelligence is fourth trait that women want in a man. Of course, who wouldn't want to be with someone who can differentiate between black and white?

Women want security in any relationship, but having the intelligence to survive and being able to sustain the relationship with her man in hard times, is the key for most women.

Finally, the fifth most important of the 5 things women want in a man is honesty.

Since women are emotionally fragile, the last thing any woman would be to have is a man who will bombard them with lies for the rest of their lives. Any woman would be content with a man who will be truthful and trustworthy with her for the rest of their lives.

If you want to approach any woman, you must be able to muster all the confidence in you. You must be driven by the urge in your mind that you are really interested in finding out more about this girl and taking her on a romantic date. Being extremely confident can help you in approaching any girl and start any conversation without sounding too na�ve and predictable. Good Luck with the girl of your dreams!

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Body Language to Attract Women

What's the best body language to attract the woman you want? Should you be cool and laid back? Uptight and nerdy? Detached and aloof? Seriously... what is the best method of attracting that special someone? Depending on the girl it's probably just a matter of seeming comfortable. Giving off a vibe that you are carefree and capable of interacting with her easily will make it easier for her to approach you if and when she does. Try leaning back if you are sitting, in a comfortable stance, not drawing attention to yourself but also not being introverted and shy. It's important to always be conversational in your tone and never get too attached to just one girl. If a girl knows that you really like her, it can be a turn off! It's kind of funny, but true. Therefore, keep a detached and non-clinging attitude at all times and never show if you are infatuated or too interested. Keep in mind that showing your interest is never as important as getting her to like you. Do you like her? Fine... but who cares? A million other guys probably like her too. Focus on getting her to like you, not by being sweet and nice, but by giving off the cocky and confident vibe that is attractive to girls. If a girl feels that you don't need her, she may start to need you. This is not an exaggeration... it can be very true.

While this can seem complicated, it's actually pretty simple. Getting a girl to feel like she needs you, not the other way around, is as simple and portraying yourself as more in charge and confident than her. If you actually are more confident and in charge, then it can be easy. If you aren't, it can be something that you can fake. It's just a matter of giving yourself the right to pretend that you have all the answers. Having said that, different girls are different. What you'll find is that a girl who is more comfortable with her femininity, i.e., a "nice" girl, will be more comfortable with you being a little self-effacing and gentle. A girl who is less comfortable with her femininity, will want you to be a "manly-man" so that she can feel feminine in comparison. It's a pretty simple equation when you think about it, right? It shouldn't be too hard for you to tell the difference between these two types of females, but if you should ever wonder, just remember that if you get left alone at the end of the night, you probably misjudged.

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Flirt Mastery Review - Find The Girl Of Your Dreams

Unknown to many men, most women are not after their looks or how much money they have in their bank accounts. Truth is, women just simply adore men for what they have, what they can do, what they can offer and how much gray matters they have between their ears. Sadly, not all men are able to realize this that they spend so much of their time buying the nicest outfit, getting their girls the most expensive gifts or showing in their doorstep in their fancy cars. Nevertheless, these can be a plus but what will work to the girl of your dreams is hitting at her weakest. It is all about satisfying her mental and emotional needs, appreciating her and saying things about her. Flirt Mastery is an ebook that gives you a complete detail of how to find the girl of your dreams effortlessly.

1. Flirt In Class.

When one hears of the word flirting, people will think that one is being cheap. Truth is, it is an art that once mastered will make you the envy of many men. You see, this skill applies to all and can be used to any girl of your choice. You do not need to enroll in a formal class nor will you be asked to get help from an expert. Instead, everything you need to know is in a book entitled Flirt Mastery. You can flirt in class without being obvious. You can win a girl's attention without having to go broke. Above all, girls will practically want to have you because you are simply irresistible.

2. Skills That Thrills.

Women love the idea of being surprised. Well, give her a thrilling ride to your own version of excitement as the book Flirt Mastery will teach you many ways on how to do it. Simply master the skill of striking a good conversation and body language for a more effective approach.

3. Learn How To Flirt Effectively.

Flirting is apiece of cake. You can even learn it from home or even during your free time at the office. Begin by getting an ebook entitled Flirt Mastery and you are off to getting the girl of your dreams. Most men don't know how to make a move which will keep girls glued on them. Which will not come as a surprise because men aren't the type to make things slow. In Flirt Mastery, studying how you can flirt like a real pro is as simple as 1-2-3.

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A New Dating Approach For Shy Guys

As many of you would be well aware, only a small minority of men are naturally gifted when it comes to conversation skills and the ability to influence any conversation. Now more than ever, there are loads of dating options which include speed dating, the bar scene or dating sites. However, wherein the problem lies for shy guys is not for lack of options, no, the core issue lies within one's own level of self-confidence.

It's probably a given that as a shy person you've heard all the advice in the world. You've probably read books and researched online how other people advise the best way to overcome shyness. It's also fairly likely that despite all the encouragement you may have received, you still linger in somewhat of an isolated existence when it comes to meeting girls on a regular basis. Let's face it, we are who we are and changing our core inbuilt personality is no easy task.

No, there is no silver bullet that will deliver you that ultimate life changing moment that you dream about, however, all of the top relationship and counselling guides recommend that the best way to overcome shyness is to begin by identifying your personal qualities and talents as a great way to begin the process of resurrecting your chances of finding romance.

Ever heard about 'the law of averages?' With the amount of diversity among mankind, it's only a matter of time until your number comes up, however you need and must be an active participant in order to win. Sitting around at home wallowing in a rut will never allow the law of averages to come into play.

Get back to basics: Be honest! Dating websites are a great medium by which to showcase your best qualities. You'll get the chance to compose all of your talents within your dating profile as well as assess other peoples. And once you sign up, breathe a sigh of relief that you no longer need to try and be someone you're not. Make it known you're not a real ladies man or much of a player, although do make it known how much you love going to jazz concerts and how much you love interior design. Trust me, sooner or later you'll appeal to someone's sensitive side.

Make a plea for help, females have an intuitive instinct to help someone who is genuine. Ask for advice on style or colours or a good book! This approach is non-threatening and you're automatically creating conversation topics and appreciating her advice which makes her feel needed and appreciated.

By appealing to her senses will make you feel as though you've achieved something worthwhile, you'll feel as though you have participated in interacting on an emotional level with her which will do wonders for your confidence.

There is no smoking gun that will make you overcome shyness, but hopefully our tips today will leave you with a little food for thought.

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Do or Die: Holding Onto Your Mojo

Picture, if you will, a teenage kid who thinks he has it all figured out. As well as any 16-year-old kid can have it figured out, anyway. Guy is playing sports year-round, makes honor roll consistently and doesn't really have too much to worry about in life. He's fairly popular, not because he dresses the best or is the star quarterback, but mainly since he's well-liked and doesn't have too many enemies. He doesn't necessarily have to "beat the ladies off with a stick" like his mom would say, but there's no shortage of girls interested.

The kid eventually does start dating a girl pretty seriously. This girl, we'll call her Lisa, had her eye on him from a distance for a couple of years. She's shy and unassuming, and probably overlooked because though cute, she doesn't have or go for the "flash" factor seen by some of the more popular girls in the school. He likes this. Lisa was something like a diamond in the rough to him. She had some quality to her and was a refreshing break from the norm.

Early on in their relationship, it was clear that Lisa "looked up" to the boy in a sense. When she first revealed her crush, it was more along the lines of wanting to get it off her chest than anything, since she figured he wouldn't feel the same. She was the first to say "I love you," and when he said it back, she told him he didn't have to say it just because she did (i.e. "I don't believe you, you need more people"). When they really developed a connection for each other, she'd make little comments like "I love you more than I love myself (should have been a red flag).

The kid didn't take these little moments too well. His self-esteem was as high as it could be without teetering on cocky, but he didn't feel like anything special to the extent that she did. Hey, he was just a regular ass kid trying to make it like anyone else, right?

Fast forward some and Lisa is a lot more comfortable with the relationship. The boyfriend loves the fact that he has someone so close to him, so he lets his guard down and it's a downright lovefest. He's proud of her. He's proud of them.

Throughout the course of their relationship Lisa's confliction grows. "I love him, I really do," she thinks, "But how do I know there's nothing else out there?" What initially felt like an honor became a burden. She grows confused and unsettled as his girlfriend, while he grows as comfortable as imaginable. Sheeeeit, why shouldn't he be? They're going to get married some day. Matter of fact, once they both got accepted to the same college, his mind was made up, no need to look further.

Then there was the breakup. The little nuances up to this point were just moments that would surface once every blue moon. The breakup was the catalyst in a series of reactions that would change the dynamic of their relationship from that point forward. They were broken up for only about a week, which happened to coincide with college spring break (probably another red flag). After a week of heartache for him, they got back to school, took things slow (ha!) and were back together by that Monday.

The damage was done. Maybe I'll tell the rest of this story some day, but I'll summarize the point and moral of the story. After breaking up and getting back together, now he was the admirer and she was the one on the pedestal. He felt better about himself because he gave her a "stern lecture" prior to telling her he'd take her back, basically saying that if she wants back in, she has to mean it, and he won't go through that again. He meant everything he said, but basically his laying down the law was more of a way to make himself feel better about punking out than anything. At this point he was chasing the feeling, because he had grown comfortable and had put some stock in his future with her, so he could overlook her indiscretions if it'd stop the hurt that comes along with a breakup.

In the process of all of this, and unbeknownst to him, Lisa had stolen his mojo. He went from the All-American Boy with options to a guy that got rejected, hurt for a week, and said "Yes ma'am, I'll have another," by taking her back. With Judah writing about the flow of energy recently, I thought this story was a good example and something to build on.

Whenever anybody comes into your life, energy is given and taken. If you lose sight of yourself it's easy to be sucked dry. In this case, the boy had a lot of mojo going into the relationship. He allowed someone in his life that (whether intentionally or unintentionally) stole that mojo. Lisa got a boost from the energy of the relationship, but in the process the boy didn't get that same energy back from her, so he was left deflated. The tables turned something vicious.

When people come into your life, be it love interests, business interests or friends, this constant exchange of energy is inevitable. You become whoever you're close to, for better or worse. In this story, he became the one seeking her approval, and she became the one with the options.

When you love, love sincerely and give someone your heart. When you do business, give someone your energy and hard work. When you have friends, give them your time and attention. Never give anybody your mojo.

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Turn Out to Be A Guy That Girls Fall in Love With By Building Attraction

Quite a bit of online dating strategies that I cover teach how to show high value.

So just exactly what does this mean?

This suggests you might be somebody who contemporary society holds in substantial view. Whether it's in connection with your career, ladies, friends, or status in modern culture, you might be proving yourself to be an individual who has value to individuals who are around you.

To put it simply, high value would mean that you are most likely a male who has something to offer women. Demonstrating high value is profoundly important, simply because it can be one of the finest resources any male can utilize to start building appeal.

What specifically makes value such a great attraction builder?

The reasons why are surprisingly self evident.

Women by natural means gravitate to males who are well known in the community, that have a great deal of standing in the community, or are looked highly upon by peers.

This is simple to comprehend when you consider it pragmatically. It can be normal for ladies to want to know a person they can flaunt to their buddies and be proud of.

Cultural acceptance is very crucial to the majority of girls.

Demonstrating quality value is among the indispensable reasons famous individuals, many who aren't what the community would consider appealing by traditional specifications, are irresistible to ladies. They activate large levels of attraction in ladies by way demonstrating their value to society.

So just how do we display the value we need to have if we are not prominent?

The value that we are looking to establish within our online pick-up may be established in a few ways.

For example: If we place an image onto our internet dating profiles that show us in a circumstance where we are hanging around with beautiful females, we have now instantly upped our importance. We appear to be an individual in contemporary culture that's used to being around gorgeous ladies, and has status. Even if you don't know attractive women at this time in your quest with on-line pick up, you will find there are many ways to construct these sorts of profile pictures.

We must be making use of techniques of developing value through all aspects of our internet pick up, including the online dating profiles we craft, the profile images we put up, the texts we come up with, and the dates we go on. In addition, value needs to be arranged through each and every facet of your love life.

You will discover after enough learning that there are a large amount of opportunities for crafting the value you'll need within your online pick up. As soon as you master ways to educate yourself on this, you will be at a brand new level with your proficiency to construct attraction.

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A Man's Home Is His Castle

As a woman entering a man's home you need to be aware of certain routines and habits he may have. A single man you are dating is likely to have been single for a while and thus lived alone. Given the fact he has lived alone he will most likely be immensely proud of his home and you are very much a guest in it.

If you like this guy, then it is pivotal that you are able to respect this. You need to be able to abide by the subtle and silent rules that he has. Notice for example if he has his shoes on in his house. If he does then it may be best to keep your shoes on or off depending on what he does. There is no way you are going to impress the man if you are not able to respect his rules.

Don't be nervous in his house however. Don't act as if you are aware of his rules, this will make him uncomfortable. Him being uncomfortable is not the way in which you are going to be able to get him to like you. So you need to act accordingly and get yourself into his good books.

If he cooks you dinner, then ensure you act as though you like it. The man will only have been cooking for himself for a number of years. Thus if you insult his cooking you really will unsettle his nerves. You will rattle him and that is not what you want to be doing if he is someone you like. If he wants to watch a film afterwards, then maybe it would be best to wait for him to make a move on you. This will also reinforce the fact that you are not desperate.

When it comes to staying over, it will always be down to him to invite you that goes without saying. But if you want to make him breakfast the next morning after the night before that will most probably be ok. Unless he is incredibly protective and anal over his cooking area then he will appreciate you cooking for him.

Remember every man's home is his castle, so it is imperative you don't try to torch it down. Keep yourself to yourself but be outgoing at the same time to ensure you are able to keep in this guy's good books. Once you are in there however you can begin to mould the man you want.

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How to Find Your Perfect Partner

Some people meet their future partner whilst at High School or at college; others meet "the one" later in life. Generally speaking, if you meet your partner whilst quite young you will not have spent much time thinking about what really matters to you in a relationship. The older you get the more experience you have and thus you will have a clearer idea about what you do or don't want.

I happened to watch an episode of Millionaire Match the other day in which Patti asked a gentleman to list five qualities which he needed to see in a partner and which would be deal breakers if they were not present. He made his list, shared them with the audience and promptly picked a girl who clearly fell short of more than one of his deal breakers.

This gentleman is not alone in doing this type of thing. Many of us just want to be in a relationship so much that we overlook certain aspects of another person which are clearly on display. We say one thing and yet we do something which is entirely different. It's human nature to want to have a partner; we are not designed to remain alone. Never the less, it is vitally important that we take off our blinkers and approach the situation with care and thought.

It's well worth making your own personal list of five things which you are quite simply unwilling to compromise upon. Make that list, write it down and share it with your best friend. Ask them to keep an eye on your relationships and see from the outside that your deal breakers aren't overlooked by you in your desire to find your mate.

Logic and emotions do not always sing from the same hymn sheet. It is all too easy for you to become emotionally involved with someone even though your logical mind is telling you that you are falling into the same old trap one more time. You find yourself justifying why you are with him or her and overlooking those things which are really important to you and would inevitably come between you in the end. This is why it is a good idea to ask a friend to keep a logical, unemotional eye out, just to keep you on track.

Another thing that you can do is to spend a little time visualizing yourself with that perfect partner, the one who doesn't violate your five deal breakers. Imagine yourself meeting this person and the life you could have together. In this way you gain a feeling of positive expectation, and your mind becomes more open to finding the perfect relationship which will really work for you in the long term.

Every thought that you have is a form of energy which attracts what you are thinking about into your life. So don't waste your thoughts and energy on worries or the fear that you won't meet the right person. Instead, invest a little time in picturing yourself meeting your true soul mate and attracting them into your life.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis mp3 downloads for relationship issues.

P.S. Discover how easy it is to focus your mind with hypnosis; grab a free hypnosis download from my website now.

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So What If You're Not Good Looking?

When I started out learning how to be more successful with women... I thought that I needed to be really good looking with perfect teeth and a head full of hair in order to get the really attractive women. I'm pretty sure you probably thought the same. I mean it just makes sense to us guys doesn't it?

Usually us guys are only attracted to women who we find visually appealing and so we just assumed that attraction works the same for women as well. Well I'm here to tell you that it doesn't! Women are far more attracted to the traits that are inside of a man as oppose to how he looks.

I'm pretty sure you've seen drop dead gorgeous women with guys who are sub par in the looks department. She saw what he had inside and felt attracted to him.

Sure women can feel strong attraction for a man who's model handsome, however you don't have to be that guy to make her feel the same way. So what do women find attractive inside of a man?

Traits such as leadership, courage, decisiveness, confidence, and masculinity just to name a few. The good news is, these are traits that any man can cultivate and embody. Evolutionarily speaking, if a man possesses these traits, he is able to fulfill his role as "the protector and the provider." Even though we no longer live in such a primitive culture, women still seek out mates that can fill that role.

So what can you do? The highest leverage decision you can make RIGHT NOW is to throw away your boyish tendencies and start "manning up."

Start developing your leadership skills. Go read books on it... learn what the best leaders do and start emulating them. Work on your courage. Start doing things that you fear. Scared to death of public speaking? Go and do a hundred speeches until you get over it. Trust in your own decision making. Even if it turns bad, you would have learned that it was a bad decision and can make a different one. Go learn what its like to be a man. Like they say "opposites attract". You can't expect to charm a woman by acting in a way that's girlish or feminine.

In due time and with enough application you will start to embody a powerful trait only a few men possess: masculine confidence. This is what's going to allow you to walk into a room and command the attention of even the most attractive woman.

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Cinema Dates Are the Worst

Why take a girl to the movies on the first date. If you are trying to get to know someone then why on earth would you go to the cinema? You can't talk to each other, you sit in silence for an hour and a half and you eat smelly food, more than likely anyway. Going out the cinema is a poor effort; also it shows lack of imagination and creativity.

You would be much better served by taking a girl out to dinner or something creative. Going to the cinema just smacks of desperation. You need to show a girl that you are not just like every other guy she has ever been with. Show her she is worth more than just a cinema date, a date where you don't get to know each other, but instead watch two other people on a big screen get to know each other.

Let's face it, it is not even as though you are going to be able to watch a film you want to see. You are not going to take a girl to see the latest action thriller or conspiracy film. You will be seeing a chick flick. So why bother taking her to the movies at all, surely it is worth trying to be a bit more creative. Perhaps going to the carting track or the bowling alley.

Dinner is safe but not really different as an option. Going on riverboats, or horse drawn carriages is a little mushy but a bit more adventurous. The best dates are the ones that she will always remember. Perhaps taking a girl out for a drink is the best way for both of you to have fun and remain casual. A date is all about having fun after all; it is the best way in which you are able to make a lasting impression on a woman.

Somewhere you can go and laugh at yourselves is the best place to go. There is no way of being sure that a date is going to work. And of course you have to be a good date yourself otherwise it doesn't really matter where you take her. But maybe crazy putt golf is a good place. You can make fun of each other's shots and not feel too down-hearted about it.

Wherever you go, whatever you do it is important you are yourself and be interesting.

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Dating Is a Game of Two Halves

Well the first date is possibly the hardest part for aspiring couples. You never quite know what you are going to get. You never quite know what the other person is going to be like or what they are interested in. But believe me when I say no matter how you feel about it, the other person feels just the same if not worse.

The one thing you have to remember though is that dating is definitely a game of two halves. Whether those two halves fit together or not is unclear. In fact you can never quite tell whether the two halves fit until quite far down the line. But on that first date you sometimes struggle to get your two halves together. You both have complex make ups and there are no easy ways for you both to connect.

What you need is an ice breaker. You need something to tell you that you are going to be able to initiate some kind of conversation, about a topic you both find interesting. So find something about each other that you can feed into a general discussion, by doing this you expose the other person and they reveal something about themselves. This is a sequence that can go on over many dates and neither of you will commit themselves to too much until they know the full situation.

Revealing stuff about yourself is part of the plunge you take though, and whilst you are trying to work out whether your two halves are compatible or not it can be quite a daunting feeling that someone is working you out. You analyse every move you make as well as what you are already analysing about them. Everything you do is judged and a definite amount of over thinking goes on during dates.

There is unfortunately no easy fix for this and it is just part of the interrogation that goes on between dating couples in the early stages. But as I stated before remember whatever you are going through they are going through it too. Dating can feel long and arduous but it shouldn't have to be this way. You need to have fun together and enjoy each other's company. Be open and freely talk about yourself and you will most likely get the same in return. And if you are able to get the same back you should be able to live together harmoniously.

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How to Get Over Getting Dumped FAST!

If you've ever been dumped by someone you love, you quickly realize that you have to find the strength within yourself to move on. How? You get over them by taking a systematic approach to repairing your heart and your life. Listen, no one is saying that it could be done overnight but it most certainly can be done. Of course, there isn't much comparing a three-month relationship to a three-year relationship but you can use the same strategies. Here are a few, simple steps to speed up the process of mending a broken heart:

Remove All Sentimental Objects

One of the first things you must do to get over the person who dumped you is to remove pretty much everything in your possession that reminds you of the good times. Everything from the cute, red, teddy bear that he won for you at the State Fair to the LA Lakers jersey that she bought you for Christmas last year has got to go. I'm not saying you have to burn them or shred them to smithereens but you DO have to get rid of them. Every keepsake, love note, couples' picture that you have in your grasp has to be put away, locked away, stored away, thrown away or donated away. YOU take your pick. Mind you, if you want to keep Fido the Dog that you two bought together from the Animal Shelter-you can. But most, if not all, items that remind you of them should likely be removed from least, for a while. This strategy is effective but be sure to use sound judgment when assessing larger items, such as the sofa or television, etc. You do not have to have an empty apartment in order to get over being dumped. You just need to get rid of the items that bring up the MOST sentimental memories.

Remind Yourself of What Annoyed You

No matter how much we loved that girl or guy, we can always recollect something about them that really annoyed us. You couldn't have been lovey-dovey the whole time, right? Did he pick his nose in the restaurant? Did she nag you about not calling her more often? Whatever those quirks were that made you agitated about your ex-you need to think about them...OFTEN. If there were more than one thing that got on your nerves, you should make a list. Read them to yourself regularly and remind yourself why this person wasn't really all YOU made them out to be in the first place.

Start Dating Immediately

This is one step that, for some reason, many people shy away from. You shouldn't! No one is telling you to go out there and "replace" the person that dumped you. But the key to getting over being dumped is to not think about it as much as possible. You are not looking for love right away but you are looking for the distraction. Going out with friends or that cutie you've said no to all last year are surefire ways to help stop you from feeling sorry for yourself, getting over your ex and getting dumped. Good Luck!

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Girl's Drinks and Their Meanings

You can tell a girl and what she is like on a date by the alcoholic drink she consumes. The classier the girl the classier the drink. There is no easy way to decipher exactly what a girl drinks all the time but at the same time if you see what a girl drinks and how she drinks it. You can at least begin to divulge exactly what type of girl she is.

For example if a girl is a heavy red wine drinker, then there is no easy way to tell if she is classy or not. The typical red wine drinker will consume bottle after bottle. If they do this then it is most common that they are promiscuous and like to sleep around. If a woman enjoys white wine however, with her dinner it can indicate that she is classy and out to impress.

A woman drinking beer or lager can give off very different meanings. A woman drinking draught beer from a pint glass does not give off the best connotations. In fact it connotes that this girl is a bit rough and masculine, not traits you seek in a woman. If a woman however drinks from a bottle then it connotes that she is fun and able to kick back and relax.

Woman drinking straight spirits give off the impression that they drink a lot, and they are out an awful lot. If this is the case then you need to move away from them as quickly as possible. These women are trouble and you need to keep your distance. The shot drinkers are other women that are to be avoided. They are hardcore and may be worth a one night stand, but any more and you will get hurt by them.

The women who drink martinis. Much like the Sex and the city girls give off the impression of being sexy. They seem confident independent women that know what they want. And these are things now which are actually quite attractive to men they give off the impression of strength and that is admired.

Whatever your girl drinks typically says a lot about her. But it is more important about what this drink says to you about them. You need to be able to appreciate who they are and what they drink is just the start of that. Be judgmental but impartial give your opinion on what they drink but appreciate it all the same.

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Men Like Their Women to Be Women

Men love their women to be girly girls. It is a little known fact but they dig being able to look after their women. If a woman is too masculine and challenging in a relationship then it is a huge turn off for men. They no longer want to be associated with a woman that can challenge them mentally and even physically at times. This is why you see big muscly men with petite women.

They are the typical couple, and their roles in the couple are quite revealing. They know what they want and they get it. The petite women are looking for someone to look after them and the men are looking for someone to look after. It is perhaps the most common of all couples that you will see walking along the street. This as a result takes a lot of the strong confident women away from the men that could perhaps be right for them.

Men understandably do not want to be with women that don't complement their personality especially if they challenge them. They are not attracted to masculine women and why would they be? Masculine women used to be sought after by many bodybuilders during the 1980s and 1990s but they now revert to the petite women. Women that drink Ale or Draught beer are not attractive to men.

In fact it appears that men now are increasingly looking for their women to get their nails and hair done. They want their women to look after themselves, and like their women to be pampered. So why not pay for it if that is what they like. And that is now why the richer men are looking for girls that look after themselves. And women that like to look after themselves but don't have a lot of money go for the richer men.

Today is less about the looks of a man or woman and instead their personality. It seems to be equally important to people nowadays that the personality of men and women is acknowledged as much as their physical attributes.

Knowing this enhances most people's chances of finding someone they get along with. Men really do not appreciate their women working out either. Knowing your girlfriend can beat you in an arm wrestle is demoralising and derogatory. In fact it is a huge turn off for most men and understandably so. Keep your women how you like them and they will keep you.

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The Nightclub Is the Worst Place to Meet Someone

Meeting someone in a nightclub is the worst way to meet anyone. Meeting someone in a nightclub is in no way the best place to meet a girl. You can't initiate a conversation with them, well not one that you can actually gain any substance from. In fact it is very difficult to even remember what the girl's name the next day.

It appears that in most nightclubs you would be drunk anyway, so what is the point of being all up for going out on the town and into nightclubs if you are looking for a relationship. There is going to be very little chance that a woman you meet in a nightclub is going to be a woman you initiate a relationship with. It is more likely you will end up with a one night stand as opposed to a relationship.

If you do manage to get a decent conversation with a girl, and somehow build a rapport and maybe even a phone number then you could end up with something. There are of course exceptions to the rule, there always are. And you may even know someone who has met their girlfriend in a nightclub. If they have then good luck to them. But even if you are able to get a relationship out of it, it is unlikely that it will last very long.

There is no easy way to say that your girlfriend is promiscuous. But if you met her in a bar then the chances are she had enough confidence to go out on her own and try pull a guy. If she can do this now, then she can do it again. And starting a relationship with a girl that you have no mutual interests with and no common ground with is a recipe for disaster. In fact it is most likely the relationship will burn out after a few weeks when you realize you don't have as much in common as you first thought.

There will be no doubt success stories of people meeting in bars and clubs all across the world, and sustaining a healthy strong relationship, but there are also many failures. To ensure that you are able to meet someone you can actually build a relationship with, it is probably best to look anywhere but a nightclub. Try existing friends of friends that you may have met once or twice. Then you will have common ground and something to talk about.

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Open the Window to Your Life

Opening windows is the best way to get air into a stuffy room. Well metaphorically speaking you can do the same to get air back into your dating scene. Your love life has become stuffy and in need of some new impetus. You haven't been laid in months and you haven't made the effort to look after yourself in a long time. You can't meet anyone but you haven't given yourself the chance of meeting anyone. In fact the only way you will meet someone is to open your window to some fresh air.

Open you window to change your ways. If you are able to do this, then you can reinvigorate yourself and your love life in order to get out of it what you need. Life is what you make it but sometimes you just need to gain a bit of perspective in order to change your ways. Opening a window can sometimes give you a clearer vision of what it is you need to do in order to get your life back on track.

Maybe you have come on too strong in the past, or maybe you are not able to change the way you dress and you therefore don't feel that confident around other women. Confidence is the best way to get a woman into bed even if it is false confidence. And your male bravado can give you this false confidence. Make up some believable but make believe stories and you will find girls falling over themselves to be with you.

Interesting people are what most women are looking for. They want to be taken away on an adventure that breathes new life into their boring existence. Thrive on this and open your window to a new you. Don't go overboard and try too hard though because you will fall through the window and there is no soft landings in the dating game.

Just be open to change and let yourself dangle out of the window away from your comfort zone in order to gain an advantage. By doing so you never quite know what might happen. You may be able to meet the girl of your dreams. And when you do meet her you will be ready to sweep her off her feet. In order to open the window far enough for her to realise you exist you must have a bit of boldness in you. Dazzle her.

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There Is Always That One Girl You Will Hold a Candle For

The heart wants what it can't have and a lot of the times if you were to ever get what you can't have you would become disinterested. And becoming disinterested with something is all too common nowadays, but there is always that one girl you will hold a candle for.

Maybe you grew up together, and she has always been close. Maybe you know her at work and she is your boss. The attraction to this woman is more than just physical, they will come top of every list you have with a girl of the five people you can mess around with without consequences. Whoever she is and however you know her there is no doubting that you will always hold a candle for her.

There is always one in our lives that this happens with. No matter who we date or how happy we are there is always doubt in our minds about what would happen if they wanted more. Always doubts in our mind about what it would be like to do something with them. Is it meant to be that I go through life with all these different women and then eventually end up with her?

In all likelihood there is no possible way for her to know that you like her so much. In fact that is half the appeal because the bubble of fantasy has never been popped by rejection. There is always that slim chance that she feels the same. The girl you hold your candle for could even be someone you previously went out with but have never got over. You could have had your chance with the girl of your dreams and blown it.

If you haven't however it is about time that you plucked up the courage to do something about it. You need to give it a go, tell someone that you like them. Even if you get rejected at least you have given it a go. And who knows you could end up with the girl of your dreams telling you that she has always liked you, and wants to initiate something.

Either way it has got to be better than continuing to fantasize about a girl who is oblivious to your feelings. Going through day to day longing for her when she has no idea is quite a sad existence. Give life a go and let it happen.

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Ways to Find Your Love Online

Still a little nervous about finding your love online? You know you haven't had any luck finding someone special in the sea of people in the area, but you are still not sure about online dating. However, in recent years, it has become the most common ways of meeting your love as more and more people are online but have no time to actually hang out with friends in real time.

You might benefit to know that this form of dating is becoming more popular. This is in part because it has worked for many and it is becoming safer. Just think of it like talking to someone online. That is all you do at first. Chances are you've talked to someone in a chat room before and you don't know who they are or if they are being truthful. When you work the online dating service you know it is a little safer. They have been checked out just like you have.

When you are given a match or someone is interested in you it is up to you to pursue it. If you don't want to that is fine, but if you want to get to know someone that is fine too. Everyone's online dating experience is different as it is in the traditional dating world. It is up to you. Just don't jump into anything. Really try to get to know the person through e-mails or online chatting. This will help you get to know them a bit.

Since you are online it is tempting to tell untruths. Don't do this! Be truthful and hope that the other person is being truthful as well. You want to be sure you are interesting because of whom you are and not a picture you are presenting. If it becomes more than chats you will have to explain yourself. The truth will come out eventually. You should always remember to be careful too. Don't give out personal information and when meeting this person let someone know and keep in contact with someone. Additionally, it is best to be truthful about your likes and dislikes and not pretend about things that matter in a relationship. Finding your love online is easier than before but always sign up with sites that screen clients before making them members. You can be sure you get the right matches when you put an honest profile of your own and what you are looking for in your potential partner.

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The Weathers of Dating

Sometimes when you are dating someone you have rainy days. You have those kinds of days where life just doesn't quite smile upon you in a way that you would like it to. It doesn't give you the smooth day that you were looking for. Maybe it is your fault maybe it is your partner's fault. But it really doesn't matter whose thought it is, all you need to remember is that sun will shine just around the corner.

We live for the good times in our life, and without the rainy days we wouldn't appreciate the sunny days quite as much. And when we get the those days there is just nothing better, we love the sunny days with our partners. Maybe we actually go out for a picnic with them, or we just spend the whole day in bed together. Whatever your sunny day maybe it is in fact up to you, and whatever you enjoy to do with your partner, just spend some time together and you will have your sunny day.

You cannot have too many days in the sun though. Metaphorically speaking you will burn all out. You will expect every day to be a sunny day, and there is no possible way that you can do that without at some point burning all up. When you burn all up is the time that you end up with those blustery windy days, that become quite choppy and unsettling. The days where you are not sure that your relationship will continue.

It is true that in the beginning of a relationship, there will be more sunny days than rainy days. However this does not have to be just in the beginning of the relationship. If you make concerted efforts to change your life to incorporate the ability for more sunny days then that is exactly what you will get. Take time out of each other's day to spend time together and you can even turn what is a bad day into a good one.

Life is very much what you make it. And if you make it so that you only live in the shade of rainclouds that is exactly what you will get. You need to expand and open yourself to the possibility that you may not have as many days with your partner as you thought. So live life to the full and appreciate them.

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How to Talk With Women - Some Basic Info

The first idea that you must change in your mind is the belief that women are complicated and because they are, it is almost impossible to understand what they want in a conversation. The truth is that men and women are not so different. We all want the same thing and that is to find the love that will help us become inspired to do more in life.

If you are the kind of guy who is often afraid of getting rejected which is why you tend to shy away from confrontations or conversations with the compliment sex; if you are the kind of guy who has been trying all his life to get the attention of women and is not getting the results that he wants, then this is the proper article for you to read.

In here you would understand how to talk with women and keep them hanging on for more.

The first tip is to become natural as possible. Do not try so hard to be liked for something that you are not. Instead what you have to work on is how to love yourself and understand that you are worthy of attention and love. Do this by affirming that you are great every day and by empowering yourself to follow your dreams by doing what you love to do.

Find the way to plan your life and decide to commit to the process of making it a reality. You see once you are confident with your job and your skills and once you are earning and living the life that you want, it suddenly becomes easy to talk with women. You no longer need to be shy about anything. You know that you made it in life and that you have something to show for it.

A woman will never get bored with a man of vision, imagination, talent and skills. A man who is resilient and persistent with his goals is an instant women magnet. You do not even need to plan so hard just to get a date. They will be the ones to gravitate towards you. Success is an instant women magnet.

Yes, you can still get a woman to talk with you even if you have not reached that peak of confidence yet. It is still possible, but would it not be great to understand who you are and have a woman that inspires you at the same time? That's how to talk with women.

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Practice Safety When Dating

Dating can be difficult. When you put on the thought of your safety it can be downright scary too. There are so many stories in the news about something bad happening and you of course don't want to be part of this statistic. That makes it important to practice safety when dating.

You could meet a date anywhere from the grocery store to the internet. Often you don't know the person when you meet by chance. Still you never know if that person is being truthful with you or not and if they have been working on a plan to meet you with a negative plan on their minds.

There are ways to stay safe. First, you need to always be observant. Pay attention to those around you and be cautious of new people. You can still be nice, but keep yourself in as safe a situation as possible. When you think about it your safety should be your priority over finding a date. If you are single then go places with a friend. It might not be convenient, but safer because if there is any trouble you have another person there to help.

When you are meeting for a date with someone new always meet in public. You want others around in case you need help. When dating online consider that person is not being truthful. Work with a safe dating site and you have a better chance of safety because they have had a background check. Though there are numerous free and paid sites for online dating, it is good to ask your friends and family for their own experiences with these sites before you actually sign up. the online dating sites are successful because they have stringent measures of background checks and ensure total privacy.

No matter how you meet someone when you start dating be careful about what information you give. It might be best to not even give them the address. This is just a precaution. Also, consider telling them what you do and not where you work. Keep the information of your life as private as possible. Only after you are very sure about a person should you intend meeting them. Otherwise date online and ensure that you stay safe and away from fakes. It is best to safeguard yourself and then attempt online dating to ensure you meet your perfect mate in the safest possible way.

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How To Get Hot Women

They breeze by us on the street, looking like a million bucks, smelling fantastic, and leaving a wake of men stunned behind them.

They are the beautiful women in the world. They seem so unattainable, but truly they are not. You don't have to be an experienced PUA to get their attention. They are just like any other woman, but they are blessed with physical good looks that many others envy. But this does not necessarily make them any better or more desirable than any other woman you run across.

I'm not saying that there aren't beautiful women out there who are also the kindest, sweetest, most amazing women out there. There are some like that, but just because they are beautiful on the outside does not mean they are perfect or even out of your league. It helps to have some good information about How to Seduce a Girl.

Here's how you can get hot women.

* The first step is to dethrone them. What I mean by that is that we tend to place a beautiful woman on a pedestal before we even have a chance to talk to them. Immediately break this habit.

* Realize that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Not everyone will think your amazingly beautiful woman is as good looking as you do. That's what is great about beauty - we all have different concepts about what exactly beauty is. So, don't think that just because you think she is beautiful she is surrounded by adoring men and would not give you the time of day. Not true.

* Give yourself a little self-esteem boost. Make sure you are being the best man you can be. If you are poor self-confidence, you probably think you aren't good enough for any woman, nonetheless the knock-your-socks-off gorgeous ones. That needs to be your first step, actually, even before lifting them ever so gently off their pedestals.

* Do not focus on their looks. They are bored with hearing about their looks. They have heard it a million times. Instead, focus on the traits and qualities that have nothing to do with her looks. You will enjoy and appreciate her more and you will stand out from the crowd.

These are all great tips but ultimately the biggest obstacle most men face when they are attempting to meet and attract beautiful women is their own self-limiting false belief that they aren't good enough.

You don't have to have movie star looks, a ton of money, a great job, or a nice car to date an amazingly hot woman. If you take the time to notice, most beautiful women end up with average looking men. I'm not sure exactly why this is true, but it seems to be the rare instance both partners in a couple have exceptional good looks.

It really boils down to biology. Women are innately programmed at a cellular level to seek out men for other traits and qualities besides physical attractiveness.

So, remember that when you see a beautiful or amazingly hot woman and the first thing you think is that she's out of your league. This is not true. But lucky for you many other guys don't realize this and that gives you a leg up.

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Meet Your Dream Girl

Probably every man on the planet has an image in his head of the perfect girl - the dream girl who he would worship and stay with forever. The problem is he just never manages to find her. She remains an elusive image that seems unattainable.

I'm here to tell you that you can meet your dream girl. It's a lot easier than you think. Just talk to some other guys on the PUA Forum and you'll see.

The first step in meeting your dream girl is simple - determining just who that dream girl is. You might think you already know what she is like based on the movie reel footage that runs through your mind and imagination when you think about her. But that's not good enough. If you are really serious about meeting your dream girl, you have to do a little bit of work and preparation. It's all part of the steps in How To Get A Girlfriend.

Here's what you do: Grab a pen and notebook and find a quiet place. Make a list of qualities your dream girl has. You can close your eyes and imagine her if that helps. I want your list to have several columns. You can decide what they might be, but they should probably include these: Physical traits and characteristics, Personality traits, Hobbies and interests, and so on, you get the idea.

For instance, your dream girl composite list might read like this one.

� Physical traits: brunette, brown eyes, petite, olive skin, shapely, large breasts, full lips, small wrists.

� Personality traits: great sense of humor, playful, a little bit shy, blushes easily, sweet, not a pushover.

� Hobbies and interests: likes professional baseball, likes art museums, engages in some physical activity or sport, such as running or playing volleyball

� Values: strong religious beliefs, same political views as me

� Career: loves her job, which is probably in some sort of caring field, such as nursing or social work or something that is valuable in helping others.

One more thing about the list, I want you to classify each item on it as a negotiable and non-negotiable item. For instance, if a woman doesn't share your strong religious beliefs and has no interest in them, it is just not going to work. That is a value ad lifestyle difference that is a deal breaker. Be very careful which items you label as deal breakers.

So now you have your list of your dream woman and her qualities. Hopefully yours is a bit longer than my example. But here's what I want you to do, I want you to keep the list, but keep it in a drawer somewhere.

Now, when you meet a woman who you think might have some of these qualities, I want you to get your list out and do a little comparison. I guarantee you, that you will never find a woman with 100 percent of these same traits, so I'm telling you right now that if you find someone with 75 percent of them, grab a hold and don't let go. That is unless there are some deal breakers that don't' match up.

I think that is probably one of the biggest problems men with images of dream girls have - we think it needs to match up 100 percent. Here's a little secret - if it matches up 75 percent, then you are one lucky guy.

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How To Help A Relationship To Flourish

Those of us who want to be in a relationship want to be in one that works for us. However, for your relationship to work, there has to be real appreciation for each other on both sides. You need to understand how to help a relationship to flourish so that you can have a solid relationship with your man.

There needs to be a connection, a bond that runs much deeper than just the surface aspects such as how you look, the colour of your hair and how you're dressed.

If you want to deepen the connection you have with your man and learn how to help your relationship take heed of the following tips:

1. Tell him you value what you both have. Tell him often, but not so often that it becomes trite. Show him that you take seriously what you both have, and that you do your best never to take it for granted.

2. Compliment him in front of your friends. Let them and him know how special you are. Don't hold back on your positive comments just because you're in company. It's just as important to support him when you're out as when you're together indoors. Your friends will start to appreciate him in the same way you do.

3. Go on a date together. Just because you may now be in a steady relationship it does not mean you don't need to date each other. It adds something different and fun to the relationship and cements the bond you have between you. Resist the urge to get too comfortable in your relationship. You risk regarding such things as dating as unnecessary.

4. Really listen to him when he speaks - you can get many insights into a person's inner thoughts and feelings just by listening intently to the words they use and how they use them. You can then deepen the bond you have between you by using similar words and phrases, knowing that he'll respond positively to them.

5. Whenever he compliments you accept his kind words with grace. Avoid the tendency many have to simply say 'Oh it's nothing'. This belittles the comments he has just made and spoils what for him may be an important moment in your relationship. Just as you may want him to treasure the positive comments you make, he appreciates the same from you.

In order to help a relationship to blossom, remember to treat him in the same way you expect to be treated. Do this, take note of the above tips and you'll be on your way to making your relationship a success.

Go to for more top strategies on learning how to help a relationship to grow.

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5 Successful Dating Tips For Men Seeking Women

"Pretty Woman, walking down the street..."

Have you heard this song...?

Maybe not, but on one occasion or another you might have hummed the melody. Or, in an act of boldness, you may have tried singing this song while attempting to woo a pretty young woman. Did your attempt at flirtation work? Even though you may not have been able to get the pretty woman of your dreams, you should not give up on dating altogether.

Here Are 5 Practical Dating Advice Tips For Men:

Men Seeking Women Should Always Be On Good Behavior - Many young ladies like manly etiquette more than monetary riches or financial wealth. In the role of friend or suitor, you want your date to feel socially comfortable all the times. However, this does not mean that a pauper will be the first choice of a pretty woman. A guy with ordinary looks, who can afford a nice restaurant date on occasion is easy to appreciate. If the guy has a great sense of humor along with good manners, it is easier for her to say yes when asked out on several dates.

Guys Should Always Be Understanding Of Gender Differences - No matter what anyone says, guys and girls think differently. Guys go for green and blue. Girls go for pink and red. How many manly guys have you seen wearing a hot pink shirt? Or tight revealing shorts? It takes a certain way of thinking to play 82 games of professional basketball each season, or sixteen games of pro football. The media would have you abandon all common sense for the sake of selling magazines and political correctness. Will political correctness help you have a successful date? Not likely. A man should treat a woman like a woman and she will appreciate it. If she smiles and waits for the door to be opened for her, then accept the fact that she wants to be treated a certain way and expects you to treat her accordingly. Be observant and understand her rules and expectations.

Most Women Like A Man With A Good Sense Of Humor - Would you like to go out with someone who is an absolute bore? Of course not. Show your date that you have a good sense of humor and know how to laugh at yourself and laugh at life sometimes. There are far too many people who get angry at the drop of a hat and become insulted and even vindictive over the slightest insult. Show her that you are not that kind of person. You can roll with the punches and not be phased. You can learn to use humor to demonstrate your complete self-confidence.

Men Seeking Women Should Be Honest - Honesty is very important in a relationship. This does not mean that you need to reveal every thought that you think. That would be silly. But it does mean that when you are asked a direct question, you tell the truth without trying to hide or confuse the issue. You should not afraid to be honest. There are many ways to be honest without being too raw or even insulting. Words have power and a careful choice of words can be life changing.

A Man Seeking A Special Relationship With A Woman Should Consider Compatibility - Quite often compatibility is overlooked. There are many dating websites that make their living by focusing on the importance of man-female compatibility. These websites require lengthy questionnaires that are supposed to reveal the "real you" so that there will be "blissful harmony" in the relationship. My own experience leads me to believe that there is no such thing. In my view, compatibility is more along the lines of simply understanding the sexual differences and working from that foundation. I do not mean compatibility in the sense that a man should have a mirror image of himself in female form as a mate. When I speak of compatibility I am referring to someone who will laugh at your jokes even when she thinks they are goofy or not really all that funny. A man seeking a special relationship with a woman should look for someone who can compliment his weaknesses, not parrot everything he says or does. The Chinese refer to the Yin and Yang as opposite, yet complementary. The male energy should bring strength to the female and the woman should bring sensitivity and intuitive insight to the man.

If you enjoyed this brief article, please visit my website at and sign-up for my free newsletter to receive more great tips like this.

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3 Easy Ways to Start Conversations With Women

If you've ever wondered what to say to a woman you are definitely not alone. I used to feel the same way too for a very long time.

At a point in time I discovered a simple secret that allowed me to easily start conversations any time I wanted to. I also realized that depending on the environment where I was, different techniques worked better.

Here are three strategies I use myself when I want to talk to women. They are much more powerful than pick up lines because they are natural and anyone can use them effectively.

Strategy #1

I use this in the night clubs. To be fair, it's not really easy to talk in the club but this technique gets girls to approach you.

For this to work you need to go with a friend. Before you go plan ahead of time very simple dance moves you can do with your mate. Now, it's not about getting fancy - you can do this even if you are horrible dancer.

All that's necessary is that it looks fun. As crazy as it may sound for some reason it always attracts girls attention. Always!

Here is something a few guys know: if the girl comes to your first, you don't have to work as hard to maintain the conversation.

Strategy #2

I call this one the "One Line Test". When I see a girl I like I simply say to her "Wow, you seem to have an interesting look on your face" and I smile. If she smiles back and responds I know she is interested so I take it from there.

Otherwise, I simply walk on. This is something that works best in a park or on the street. It's simple and not intrusive. The reason why it works is that it shows you are interested without making you seem desperate for her attention.

You will also find that a lot of girls are curious to find out what you think is interesting about them.

There is similar strategy you can apply in the night club. This time, you can gently bump into her on the dance floor, just to gauge her interest. If she smiles and bumps back into you, she is interested.

Strategy #3

This is what is popularly known as the direct approach. It's extremely high risk, yet it's the most powerful of all approaches. You simply walk up to a girl, look her straight in the eyes and tell her you find her attractive.

The outcome is closely related to the amount of confidence you project. A lot of guys are scared of this because they don't want to be rejected.

The truth is that, if you are respectful, no girl of really high value will put you down when you approach her this way.

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How to Win Over a Guy in the Different Stages of Attraction

Guy and gals are different aren't they, and not just physically but even emotionally. Unfortunately we often don't know how to speak each other's language or even interpret each other's behavior. As women we often judge a man's behavior through our feminine lenses and we get totally confused or we are misled. In the game of love how do you win over a guy?

1. First meeting. You know he likes what he sees when he gives you the second look and if you are a little more observant and are able to see the pupils of his eyes and you see them expand when he looks at you then you have a winner. To win a guy over at this stage you need to maintain eye contact for a while and then shyly look down and after a few seconds look back at him. If he is a distance from you, you will notice that he just cannot stop stealing glances at you.

At this stage his attraction is purely physical since he doesn't know you beyond what you look like. Most ladies can tell that a guy is interested at this stage since he cannot help staring. But just because a guy is interested does not mean that he wants to go beyond the looking stage. It is like when you go shopping and catch a glimpse of a shoe that you just adore but depending on a host of factors you will either try it too see how it fits or you will just admire it and then leave it in the store. That's the situation the guy is in at this stage....he likes but he isn't sure whether he should take a closer look. If you want to win him over you must encourage him subtly!

2. Assessment. He likes you enough and his circumstances are such that you could become a part of his life. He will try to attract your attention by chatting you up and depending on how interested he is to you; he will touch you slightly on the arm or shoulder. A non invasive tentative touch as he tries to gauge whether you are as interested in him as he is in you. This is like you in the shoe shop trying the shoe on and seeing its fit and comfort. If you want to win him over then mimic his actions, if he touches you lightly then do the same to him. Don't be hot and heavy and don't under any circumstances tell him all about yourself in that one sitting. Be light and interesting without pushing him to make a decision about you. Just enjoy this time with him!

3. He calls you after the 1st meeting. He likes you enough to want to see you again and to win him over at this stage you must come through as interesting but with a life of your own. Don't play mind games with him but know that for you to be interesting to him you really must have an interesting life. We make a mistake at this stage by chucking out all our other interests in favor of a guy who isn't even sure whether he wants to spend most of his time with us. Do not make this mistake. He can smell desperation a mile away and it will drive him away. Each relationship progresses differently from another and you must open up progressively to the guy in a natural way. Don't rush but let each of you be comfortable with what is happening at every stage after this. No one but you knows what is right for you and what is not. Listen to your instinct and do not (ever) do anything that you are not comfortable doing.

If you can successfully navigate through these 3 phases then you can win a guy over at each stage and maybe even have a good relationship.

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How To Find The Right Someone

I was recently asked how to find that special someone? Where do you look? Is dating different now than it was 20 years ago?

It's just as complicated as it was when we were twenty-somethings looking for a good time. I watch my newly, and some not so newly, single friends struggle with dating. Do you ask the blonde sniffing melons out to dinner? Or is that just too weird? Do you go to the nightclub and pick up that guy, who at 9PM was just so-so but at 1AM he's looking pretty good? Do you start going to church in hopes they'll be someone there you click with? Do you try speed-dating? Safe environment, only have to spend a few minutes together, no commitment.

Oh, don't forget social media. Facebook and dating sites are introducing men and women to each other all the time. I have a few friends that reconnected with old flames through social networking. They seem to be happy. I have a couple friends that tried dating sites. It was an interesting way to meet people with similar interests and get to know them a bit before actually seeing them face-to-face. I think it's different for everyone.

Self-confidence and just plain bravery are the main key. Meeting someone new is scary. Unless you're an FBI agent or a cop you're on your own trying to figure out if this new person is a good, upstanding individual or a serial killer. I'm not trying to scare you but those things are out there. Group dating is always a safe bet. When you see that cute redhead tugging at leaves on the pineapples strike up a none-threatening conversation. Ask her how to tell if the pineapple is ripe. If she's friendly and responds with a smile continue chatting about fruit or grocery shopping. If you feel she's interested invite her to a quiet bar or to a fun restaurant like a sushi or sports bar. Tell her you'll have two to three friends and ask her to bring the same. You both will feel safe if you don't hit it off since you'll have your buddies to keep you company.

At any age dating is a challenging endeavor. People change from the first time you meet to the twentieth date. In our forties and fifties most of us have set habits we chose not to change so that's important to remember. If you aren't liking that they are a pack-rat, a shopaholic, drink alcohol or smoke there is little chance they will change for you. The same holds true for your habits - are you willing to change for them? Be flexible but cautious as you search for your mate. Love can be around the corner if you're willing to step out of your comfort zone. Remember all they can say is no.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Say Good Bye To Shyness Forever

Do you know that most people experience shyness to some degree? In many cases shyness is so debilitating that it sabotages relationships and career success. Do you know that underneath that shyness lurks a more sinister problem i.e. a deep need for validation, acceptance, appreciation, understanding, acknowledgment and love? Do you know that by erasing/deleting those needs shyness immediately ceases to be a problem? How does that happen that you ask?

Shyness, although a problem is actually what I call a "compensatory strategy". It attempts to compensate for, i.e. avoid re-experiencing, deeply buried feelings of hurt from past rejection, humiliation, abandonment, failure, abuse, neglect and so on. This old pain is stored in the subconscious mind in the form of negative memories that encapsulate the pain.

These memories behave like live "emotional landmines" which can be re-triggered by anything in one's daily experience that in any way resembles the older event. For instance suppose one was seriously rejected by significant others when they were young (an example of this might be something like having been given up for adoption) the memory of this event along with its associated emotional pain get anchored in the mind/body at a subconscious level.

It must remain subconscious i.e. outside of ones immediate awareness otherwise it would continually flood the person's consciousness causing serious distraction, pain and an inability to function in the present. One of the main forces driving such pain "underground" is fear i.e. the fear of rejection and the fear of feeling out of control are two examples in this case.

Now it might appear that these fears are acting in one's best interest by keeping this negativity buried but in fact the opposite is true. By keeping the pain buried the individual is left carrying it around for the rest of their life. Now you might ask "Well what other choice do they have, after all one can't simply erase the memory and the pain."

Well that is an interesting thought! It is one that has in fact received considerable attention and research in the last decade. This has led to the discovery and development of a new coaching process that in fact can permanently and completely erase any negative memory from the mind/body.

As the details of how this process works are proprietary I can only say that it works by uncovering significant subconscious false beliefs individuals have about the nature of negative memories. Beliefs such as a) they are useful to me b) they make up who I am c) I wouldn't know who I am without them, and most interestingly d) they happened to me.

All of the above can be shown to be completely false. Now I don't expect you to believe that because your current experience is still shrouded by many false beliefs that limit your consciousness i.e. sadly you actually live in a trance like state while believing that you are fully awake and in charge of yourself.

That last statement is not meant as criticism rather simply as a fact.

So, when this process is employed to erase negative memories of the sort that feed and keep things like shyness in place the latter rapidly and completely dissolves from one's experience to the point that they even forget what shyness was or what it felt like to exist in that state. I realize that is both hard to believe and to imagine.

That is why I offer individuals a free introductory telephone/Skype consultation that can help one begin to free themselves of the limitations that shyness and other similar impediments have imposed on their lives. To request such a consultation kindly visit the web site below.

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How To Mack On Girls

So you want to learn how to mack on girls do you? Understood... Macking on girls is one of the most rewarding pastimes for a man of any age. And here's the kicker, most guys can't mack worth a damn. So when you learn these mackin' skills you'll be like a king amongst men!

First things first, you may be asking yourself "Isn't learning how to mack on girls the same as learning how to be a pick-up artist of "PUA"? Well Let me tell ya, there's a huge difference...

You see, pick up artists focus on how to meet girls and get them attracted. Macks on the other hand focus on themselves.

Macks focus on being the man 24-7 because they know that once they have truly ascended to the throne of Mackdom the women will be there waiting for them! So hopefully you are starting to see that being a mack is FAR superior than any sort of pick-up artist game that you could ever learn...

Now that we have that straightened out, how does one become a mack and start macking on chicks? Well, to get you started here are the 3 laws of macking that you must adhere to at all times:

1) Live Large You cannot be a true mack if you are content working at McDonald's hamburger restaurant and living with your mom. Now if you are just starting out in this and you actually do live at home and work in the fast food industry, don't worry. We all have to start somewhere. But, you can't be content doing this, you need to have dreams and work towards those dreams every single day. This means building the lifestyle of a mack, making real money, being independent, and doing all the fun stuff like traveling the world that most people only dream about.

2) Stop Worrying About What Others Think Most people are hyper sensitive to what others think of them and let their fear of being judged by others control them. they dress a certain way to fit in, get a certain job that their parents approve of and generally lead a boring life with boring girlfriends. Macks on the other hand rise above these approval seeking, insecure behaviors. This can be a hard rule to follow because such behaviors will become ingrained over time. But if you want to become a true mack you must overcome them.

3) Realize Your Value As A Man You may have noticed that although this article in entitled How To Mack On Girls, I have written very little on the subject of interacting with women. The reason is, as I stated, being a mack is much more about focusing on yourself and getting yourself where you want to be in your own life. when it comes to women, the first thing a mack needs to do is realize his own value and take pride in it. Most men put attractive women on pedestal and do all this dumb stuff to try to get a girl to like them. Macks on the other hand put themselves on the pedestal and treat attractive women as equals for this is the only true way to be attractive to a high quality woman.

Pay attention, This next part is extremely important!:

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