Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How To Impress A Girl

I know as well as the next guy exactly how difficult it is to get a girl's attention. Some dudes seem to effortlessly attract woman after woman, while others of us try in vain for years. Why? Although there are any number of factors at work here, it primarily boils down to two things: how you look and how you act.

How you look: While not many of us look like Fabio (thank God), there are several things we can do to ensure that the physical appearance we are exuding is helping, rather than hindering, our attempts at meeting the opposite sex.

While one's hair and clothes can vary drastically, depending on personal fashion tastes and our current environment/venue, it's always wise to keep the following guidelines in mind. Don't be hungover. Don't look hungover. Be well groomed, unless the shaggy, unshaven look is what you're going for and honestly does look good on you (ask a female friend, she'll tell you). Haven't updated your wardrobe in a while? Take that same friend, have her help pick out an outfit or two at the local mall and, I'm sorry, but throw the monster truck t-shirt away! I guarantee that you'll look great, feel great and immediately be a hundred times more attractive to the women you run into.

How you act: If you thought dressing a bit sharper would be the only thing standing between you and that date-of-a-lifetime, think again. This section is as, if not more important. It's also the area that a lot of guys really screw up. Do not, I repeat, do not, listen to those chumps that tell you to play super hard-to-get, pretend like you're not interested, and essentially blow a girl off. Ask any girl and she'll tell you... not cool.

You also don't want to fall head-over-heels in front her and scare her off. Instead, play it cool. Be relaxed and confident. Be social and show interest in her by making small talk and maintaining eye contact (without staring her down, mind you). Don't use some stupid pickup line, but there is nothing wrong with breaking the ice and trying to make her laugh with a cheesy sarcastic comment about the long grocery line [insert your current location/situation here!] you both happen to be in. Finally, be respectful to her and anyone/thing else nearby. The last perception you would ever want to give her is that you're some stuck-up schmuck with an attitude toward little kids. Or no patience. Or no sense of humor.

By paying even just a little attention to how you look and act, you will register much, much higher on a girl's Impress-O-Meter! It might not seem possible that it's really that easy. But, if you feel that there's room for improvement in either (or both) of the areas covered above, make the appropriate adjustments and the results will astound you. In the words of two of the world's most famous ladies' men, Hans and Franz, "hear me now and believe me later!"


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