Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How to Date a Cougar

You have your eye on an older woman, met her by the water cooler, grocery store or a mutual acquaintance.

She is not your usual type, there is a sexual frisson as you catch yourself watching her as she enters and exits in a perfume bandana. Cougars are persuasive, articulate and sophisticated. They have the ability to excel under pressure. Some cougars enjoy the flirtation of young male company and have no shortage of dinner dates or willing escorts.


Before you make a beeline, you have to be comfortable with being a Burberry accessory, raid your mother's wardrobe for that expensive skin cream, splurge at metro sexual beauty counters and invest in a tuxedo.

Most women, including cougars have kissed a fair number of frogs and waited indefinitely as they turned to toads, scorpions or rattle snakes. Shed those extra pounds in exchange for prime real-estate in her eye candy bar.

Observation/Information gathering

Observe her discretely at her favourite joints, clubs and bars, observe how she relaxes, her hobbies and how she maintains her lithe physique. Do not expect her to mop up after you or imagine adopting a maternal surrogate, the umbilical cord is wild, displaced confetti in your sweaty, steaming hands. Empty the moth balls and dust mites enveloping your wallet, liquid currency will whet her appetite

Fallacies and myths

Cougar personas have been widely propagated as the lonely, alcoholic Mrs Robinson, in the graduate or the middle age carcass of Shirley Valentine. The over 40's may have a number of boons; including liberation from family responsibilities, financial independence, and a biological clock that is no longer ticking. Modern day cougars include Demi Moore, Madonna, Susan Sarandon, Sharon Stone and Kim Cattrall oozing sexuality from ever pore, dynamic and lethally delectable.

Gentle warning

Steer clear of online dating quasi cougar sites, inhabited by lonely mature women with no close fit to the psychological profile of this feline. This breed would generally not post an ad online; they mark their own territory and vet their own conquests.

Don't tell your mother you are dating an older woman, she may approach the women and accuse her of cradle snatching.Err on the side of caution and mention you are providing a Samaritan service to the older women who is the mother of one of your friends.

Cougar relationships are usually short lived, unless you can baste her funny bone and ignite her cerebral cortex on a frequent basis. Do not plan seduction as a military exercise/espionage or a scripted performance, you are not snagging prey or attacking an enemy compound.If she is a cougar she will see through the illusion and prefer to play ball with the big guns.


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