Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Key to Making Your Man Miss You

Today is a very important day in your life because you've been searching for ways to a man you have feelings for miss you so I urge you to keep reading and I will help you understand what you need to do to make your guy miss you.

I know you believe in love and there are times when you've felt let down because you had your hopes up. You may have had a few really good dates with your man or maybe you want to re-ignite his interest but you're now completely lost as to what to do to make him miss you the way you miss him.

In order for you to understand why you miss him so much, you have to look at human nature and what happens when there are feelings of attraction present.

When you meet someone and you have feelings of attraction for them, it stirs your desire. When you begin to have deep feelings of desire, it creates hope and hope creates expectations. Since you have very deep feelings of attraction for your man, your desire for him is also intense making you want him more and more everyday.

I know you literally ache for him, you have these feelings of longing you don't quite know what to do with them and you wish that you can also stir those same potent feelings of attraction inside of him as it is in you.

What you have to do is find a way to increase his interest again, then use a strategy that gives him the space to reach with longing for you. You can accomplish this by using some carefully crafted scripts to spark his interest again that you can send to him in an email or text message. It is crucial that you use either email or text messaging to contact him again as it is lower risk and more effective.

The reason why it is more effective is because you can think about what you need to say to make him miss you and prepare yourself so that it is effective.

The key to this whole strategy is to use a method that will raise his curiosity and pique his interest. Once you do this in an effective manner, you will have him thinking about you in the same way you're thinking about him.

When his curiosity is raised, it is only a matter of time before he's going to want to find out more. But be very careful though as you must use other key techniques to support what you are doing or it could backfire on you.


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