Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cinema Dates Are the Worst

Why take a girl to the movies on the first date. If you are trying to get to know someone then why on earth would you go to the cinema? You can't talk to each other, you sit in silence for an hour and a half and you eat smelly food, more than likely anyway. Going out the cinema is a poor effort; also it shows lack of imagination and creativity.

You would be much better served by taking a girl out to dinner or something creative. Going to the cinema just smacks of desperation. You need to show a girl that you are not just like every other guy she has ever been with. Show her she is worth more than just a cinema date, a date where you don't get to know each other, but instead watch two other people on a big screen get to know each other.

Let's face it, it is not even as though you are going to be able to watch a film you want to see. You are not going to take a girl to see the latest action thriller or conspiracy film. You will be seeing a chick flick. So why bother taking her to the movies at all, surely it is worth trying to be a bit more creative. Perhaps going to the carting track or the bowling alley.

Dinner is safe but not really different as an option. Going on riverboats, or horse drawn carriages is a little mushy but a bit more adventurous. The best dates are the ones that she will always remember. Perhaps taking a girl out for a drink is the best way for both of you to have fun and remain casual. A date is all about having fun after all; it is the best way in which you are able to make a lasting impression on a woman.

Somewhere you can go and laugh at yourselves is the best place to go. There is no way of being sure that a date is going to work. And of course you have to be a good date yourself otherwise it doesn't really matter where you take her. But maybe crazy putt golf is a good place. You can make fun of each other's shots and not feel too down-hearted about it.

Wherever you go, whatever you do it is important you are yourself and be interesting.


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