Going on a first date with a woman you find attractive may require you to understand a few things first. That's because without the right information about what to do it's very easy to destroy the chances of ever seeing her again.
Let's look at three essential things you must pay attention to.
1. Physical contact
Without touch there is no romance. If you don't establish some sort of physical contact early on you will find it hard to do it later. A woman who doesn't feel physically comfortable with you will only see you as a friend, not a potential lover. This is actually very easy to do. All you need is an occasional hug hear and there. You may also hold her waist as you walk on the street.
Here is something you must watch out for: don't force it. As attraction between the two of you builds up, she will be more and more interested in getting closer to you physically.
2. Planning
Where you go on your first date has a huge impact on the rest of your relationship. This means that it's important to create an exciting experience. You can only do this if you plan ahead of time. Women get turned off pretty quickly when guys don't know what they are doing. You don't have to tell her you planned things. Just take the lead, and make it seem like you are making decisions on the spot. It is this kind of attitude that will turn her on and make her want to see you again.
3. Your first kiss
Contrary to popular belief many women don't have a problem with kissing on the first date. In fact, when you do it well, she will be more than happy to brag about it to her friends. The trick here is not to wait till the end of the date. That's a bit too "traditional". Waiting too long makes it less romantic. If you chose the right location for your date, your environment will be conducive for her to end up in your arms. A good place would be an ice-skating rink.
The point is to make the first kiss as spontaneous as possible. Chances she is secretly waiting for this to happen too. Don't worry if she turns away the first time. For some reason, many women want the guy to try three times before they kiss him back.
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