Hi there, if you want to find out how to be confident with girls, read on:
It is crucial to understand that there is no pre-specified plan or path that you must follow in order to get success with girls. Everyone is different - some girls find funny and appealing, what others find disgusting or repulsive. You can often hear everyone telling you: "Hey, just be yourself". And this is true to some degree, however, it is not complete.
The truth is, you gotta be THE BEST you CAN.
Think about it.
There might be times when you really feel down or depressed, shy and uncertain about a lot of things. But I bet there are times when you feel like you're the king of the world! Isn't this true? What you need to focus on, is being able to learn to manage and trigger these positive states at the right time, and then you will truly understand how to be confident with girls.
So, how do you do this?
There are few certain things that you have to keep in mind when interacting with girls.
Here are some of those:
There is no failure.
You cannot fail, because every failure is another step forward. How? Well, think about it. You fail - you observe - you learn - you change your ways - and try again. You have to be persistent and determined, but you have also got to be flexible with your ways. Also, you gotta have faith that you will succeed and envision yourself already possessing that girl's heart.
Now that you learned this little fact, you have no more excuse to let it go!;)
Be honest
This is crucial. Don't pretend to be someone else, for it is only a matter of time before the real you breaks out on the surface. And you don't want this to happen 1 year into relationship, do you? Also, remember to always state your opinions, even if they don't appeal to the girl you're talking to. Just don't overdo it, don't be offensive. This way she will know that you have an attitude, and this is good.
Make her smile!
A med-sized dose of humor is always good, and there isn't a single person on the face of the Earth that doesn't like the sensation of laughter. So, if you've got the wits and a few jokes up your sleeve, don't hesitate on using them. Just remember not to overdo it because it's not tasteful and she may even consider you desperate. That should never be your intention:)
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