Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Say Good Bye To Shyness Forever

Do you know that most people experience shyness to some degree? In many cases shyness is so debilitating that it sabotages relationships and career success. Do you know that underneath that shyness lurks a more sinister problem i.e. a deep need for validation, acceptance, appreciation, understanding, acknowledgment and love? Do you know that by erasing/deleting those needs shyness immediately ceases to be a problem? How does that happen that you ask?

Shyness, although a problem is actually what I call a "compensatory strategy". It attempts to compensate for, i.e. avoid re-experiencing, deeply buried feelings of hurt from past rejection, humiliation, abandonment, failure, abuse, neglect and so on. This old pain is stored in the subconscious mind in the form of negative memories that encapsulate the pain.

These memories behave like live "emotional landmines" which can be re-triggered by anything in one's daily experience that in any way resembles the older event. For instance suppose one was seriously rejected by significant others when they were young (an example of this might be something like having been given up for adoption) the memory of this event along with its associated emotional pain get anchored in the mind/body at a subconscious level.

It must remain subconscious i.e. outside of ones immediate awareness otherwise it would continually flood the person's consciousness causing serious distraction, pain and an inability to function in the present. One of the main forces driving such pain "underground" is fear i.e. the fear of rejection and the fear of feeling out of control are two examples in this case.

Now it might appear that these fears are acting in one's best interest by keeping this negativity buried but in fact the opposite is true. By keeping the pain buried the individual is left carrying it around for the rest of their life. Now you might ask "Well what other choice do they have, after all one can't simply erase the memory and the pain."

Well that is an interesting thought! It is one that has in fact received considerable attention and research in the last decade. This has led to the discovery and development of a new coaching process that in fact can permanently and completely erase any negative memory from the mind/body.

As the details of how this process works are proprietary I can only say that it works by uncovering significant subconscious false beliefs individuals have about the nature of negative memories. Beliefs such as a) they are useful to me b) they make up who I am c) I wouldn't know who I am without them, and most interestingly d) they happened to me.

All of the above can be shown to be completely false. Now I don't expect you to believe that because your current experience is still shrouded by many false beliefs that limit your consciousness i.e. sadly you actually live in a trance like state while believing that you are fully awake and in charge of yourself.

That last statement is not meant as criticism rather simply as a fact.

So, when this process is employed to erase negative memories of the sort that feed and keep things like shyness in place the latter rapidly and completely dissolves from one's experience to the point that they even forget what shyness was or what it felt like to exist in that state. I realize that is both hard to believe and to imagine.

That is why I offer individuals a free introductory telephone/Skype consultation that can help one begin to free themselves of the limitations that shyness and other similar impediments have imposed on their lives. To request such a consultation kindly visit the web site below.


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