What to say on a first date to women and how to do it right? Now that's a question that everybody is bound to ask at some point in their lives. Some people might not think much of it but saying the right things during the first day can be the precursor to romance or at the very least, a second date wherein you'll be able to gauge each other better since the nerves would have gone by then. You would want to make her see that you are charming, witty, that you have the smarts and that you have every intention of getting into a more serious relationship with her.
Of course, just thinking about this can be completely stressful especially if it is your first time or if it's been a while since you've been on an actual date. But no worries, you are certainly not alone when facing this dilemma as there are other men who are thinking about the exact same thing, somewhere and at this very moment. A rather consoling thought, don't you think?
Which topics are the best for initiating conversation? Well, you could talk about a whole plethora of topics but there are certain guidelines that you ought to keep in mind that would make sure your conversation goes smoothly. There are important guidelines that you have to keep in mind, besides the different topics to choose from, when it comes to what to say on a first date. Here are a few to help you get off of the right foot.
1. Make sure that your date gets most of the attention. Yes, you do want her to learn about who you are as well but at the same time, you should also bring more focus to her. This should let them see how interested you are and that you want to get to know her better. Keep in mind that it has to be understated and also, make sure that you are part of the conversation too. Do not let her completely take over the conversation because she might think of this as a sign that you are bored and disinterested in what she's saying.
2. Because this is only the first date, it would be best to stick to topics that are not too personal. Talk about the different things that interest both of you and see if there is anything there that's similar. A good topic to start with would be music or the kinds of food that you are both into. Talk about the basics first and avoid giving them all there is to know about your personal history. After you both find something in common, the conversation should go much easier.
3. When talking about your family, do stick the basic things only. Bad mouthing your family or telling any of their secrets to your date is something that you should definitely avoid. If you do such a thing, she is most likely going to think that you have problems with your family and make her think negatively of you. Remember, nothing too deep!
You might notice that the topics are all pretty basic and that this makes the conversations a bit shallow but do not worry as this is just the first date and there would be plenty of time to get to know each other better during another time. If you get lucky and she says yes to a second or even a third date then this is the right time for you to change gears and start talking about deeper topics. Why? Needless to say, by that time, the relationship between the two of you is a lot deeper and therefore the awkwardness of the first date would have gone.
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