Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How To Mack On Girls

So you want to learn how to mack on girls do you? Understood... Macking on girls is one of the most rewarding pastimes for a man of any age. And here's the kicker, most guys can't mack worth a damn. So when you learn these mackin' skills you'll be like a king amongst men!

First things first, you may be asking yourself "Isn't learning how to mack on girls the same as learning how to be a pick-up artist of "PUA"? Well Let me tell ya, there's a huge difference...

You see, pick up artists focus on how to meet girls and get them attracted. Macks on the other hand focus on themselves.

Macks focus on being the man 24-7 because they know that once they have truly ascended to the throne of Mackdom the women will be there waiting for them! So hopefully you are starting to see that being a mack is FAR superior than any sort of pick-up artist game that you could ever learn...

Now that we have that straightened out, how does one become a mack and start macking on chicks? Well, to get you started here are the 3 laws of macking that you must adhere to at all times:

1) Live Large You cannot be a true mack if you are content working at McDonald's hamburger restaurant and living with your mom. Now if you are just starting out in this and you actually do live at home and work in the fast food industry, don't worry. We all have to start somewhere. But, you can't be content doing this, you need to have dreams and work towards those dreams every single day. This means building the lifestyle of a mack, making real money, being independent, and doing all the fun stuff like traveling the world that most people only dream about.

2) Stop Worrying About What Others Think Most people are hyper sensitive to what others think of them and let their fear of being judged by others control them. they dress a certain way to fit in, get a certain job that their parents approve of and generally lead a boring life with boring girlfriends. Macks on the other hand rise above these approval seeking, insecure behaviors. This can be a hard rule to follow because such behaviors will become ingrained over time. But if you want to become a true mack you must overcome them.

3) Realize Your Value As A Man You may have noticed that although this article in entitled How To Mack On Girls, I have written very little on the subject of interacting with women. The reason is, as I stated, being a mack is much more about focusing on yourself and getting yourself where you want to be in your own life. when it comes to women, the first thing a mack needs to do is realize his own value and take pride in it. Most men put attractive women on pedestal and do all this dumb stuff to try to get a girl to like them. Macks on the other hand put themselves on the pedestal and treat attractive women as equals for this is the only true way to be attractive to a high quality woman.

Pay attention, This next part is extremely important!:


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