Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How To Ask A Girl Out Without Fear Of Rejection

Information on how to ask a girl out without risking rejection is hard to find.

This is a shame, because the fact is that most men fear rejection more than they fear any kind of physical threat. It's irrational, but very real.

If only it were possible to eliminate the possibility of rejection when you ask a girl out.

In fact this is easier than you may think, but, as with all things, only at a price. And the price is to use a combination of self-control, patience and perseverance.

Why this combination? Because rejection only comes in an artificial environment, where you haven't taken the trouble to get to know the girl, to become interested in and concerned for her.

When you've done your homework, you'll know whether she'll go out with you before you ask. So let's examine the situation.

How well do you know the girl right now? Do you speak with her every day as a friend or work colleague, or have you only ever seen her from a distance and never spoken at all? Most likely it's somewhere in between.

Do you have any mutual friends or work colleagues from whom you can surreptitiously learn more about her, whether she already has a boyfriend, and so on?

Try to establish what her answer would be without actually asking her. You may get to this point early on, or it may take some time. This is where the power of patience plays a hand.

The key here is to avoid actually asking her out, or even hinting that you'd like to date her, while at the same time making sure you see her as often as possible and that you make a good impression on her when you do.

Don't make it obvious, though, for example by constantly looking at her or trying to flirt (unless she flirts with you). That might work sometimes, but more often it just puts her off.

Let things happen naturally. If she's not interested in you then she'll let you know indirectly, in which case you'll just have to accept it.

But if she does show an interest, then be prepared to allow things to take their course. You can't force the pace - that would probably spoil your chances of getting her as a girlfriend.

When you talk with her, always be willing to let her choose the topic, which will often be herself and her particular problems, hopes and fears. Be reluctant to talk about yourself unless she wants you to.

Never try to get physical unless you're satisfied she wants you to. Always leave her wanting a little bit more of you.

Before long, mutual friends are bound to make comments about the two of you, and you'll probably be able to gauge from them whether she'd like to go out with you.

If that's positive then your fear of rejection can be put behind you. Even so, don't crash in and bluntly ask her out the next time you see her. Let it just happen, when you've a moment alone together.

Give her a good reason to say "yes", such as attending an event that you know she'll enjoy, and take it from there.

That's how to ask a girl out.


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