As a woman entering a man's home you need to be aware of certain routines and habits he may have. A single man you are dating is likely to have been single for a while and thus lived alone. Given the fact he has lived alone he will most likely be immensely proud of his home and you are very much a guest in it.
If you like this guy, then it is pivotal that you are able to respect this. You need to be able to abide by the subtle and silent rules that he has. Notice for example if he has his shoes on in his house. If he does then it may be best to keep your shoes on or off depending on what he does. There is no way you are going to impress the man if you are not able to respect his rules.
Don't be nervous in his house however. Don't act as if you are aware of his rules, this will make him uncomfortable. Him being uncomfortable is not the way in which you are going to be able to get him to like you. So you need to act accordingly and get yourself into his good books.
If he cooks you dinner, then ensure you act as though you like it. The man will only have been cooking for himself for a number of years. Thus if you insult his cooking you really will unsettle his nerves. You will rattle him and that is not what you want to be doing if he is someone you like. If he wants to watch a film afterwards, then maybe it would be best to wait for him to make a move on you. This will also reinforce the fact that you are not desperate.
When it comes to staying over, it will always be down to him to invite you that goes without saying. But if you want to make him breakfast the next morning after the night before that will most probably be ok. Unless he is incredibly protective and anal over his cooking area then he will appreciate you cooking for him.
Remember every man's home is his castle, so it is imperative you don't try to torch it down. Keep yourself to yourself but be outgoing at the same time to ensure you are able to keep in this guy's good books. Once you are in there however you can begin to mould the man you want.
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