As many of you would be well aware, only a small minority of men are naturally gifted when it comes to conversation skills and the ability to influence any conversation. Now more than ever, there are loads of dating options which include speed dating, the bar scene or dating sites. However, wherein the problem lies for shy guys is not for lack of options, no, the core issue lies within one's own level of self-confidence.
It's probably a given that as a shy person you've heard all the advice in the world. You've probably read books and researched online how other people advise the best way to overcome shyness. It's also fairly likely that despite all the encouragement you may have received, you still linger in somewhat of an isolated existence when it comes to meeting girls on a regular basis. Let's face it, we are who we are and changing our core inbuilt personality is no easy task.
No, there is no silver bullet that will deliver you that ultimate life changing moment that you dream about, however, all of the top relationship and counselling guides recommend that the best way to overcome shyness is to begin by identifying your personal qualities and talents as a great way to begin the process of resurrecting your chances of finding romance.
Ever heard about 'the law of averages?' With the amount of diversity among mankind, it's only a matter of time until your number comes up, however you need and must be an active participant in order to win. Sitting around at home wallowing in a rut will never allow the law of averages to come into play.
Get back to basics: Be honest! Dating websites are a great medium by which to showcase your best qualities. You'll get the chance to compose all of your talents within your dating profile as well as assess other peoples. And once you sign up, breathe a sigh of relief that you no longer need to try and be someone you're not. Make it known you're not a real ladies man or much of a player, although do make it known how much you love going to jazz concerts and how much you love interior design. Trust me, sooner or later you'll appeal to someone's sensitive side.
Make a plea for help, females have an intuitive instinct to help someone who is genuine. Ask for advice on style or colours or a good book! This approach is non-threatening and you're automatically creating conversation topics and appreciating her advice which makes her feel needed and appreciated.
By appealing to her senses will make you feel as though you've achieved something worthwhile, you'll feel as though you have participated in interacting on an emotional level with her which will do wonders for your confidence.
There is no smoking gun that will make you overcome shyness, but hopefully our tips today will leave you with a little food for thought.
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