Well the first date is possibly the hardest part for aspiring couples. You never quite know what you are going to get. You never quite know what the other person is going to be like or what they are interested in. But believe me when I say no matter how you feel about it, the other person feels just the same if not worse.
The one thing you have to remember though is that dating is definitely a game of two halves. Whether those two halves fit together or not is unclear. In fact you can never quite tell whether the two halves fit until quite far down the line. But on that first date you sometimes struggle to get your two halves together. You both have complex make ups and there are no easy ways for you both to connect.
What you need is an ice breaker. You need something to tell you that you are going to be able to initiate some kind of conversation, about a topic you both find interesting. So find something about each other that you can feed into a general discussion, by doing this you expose the other person and they reveal something about themselves. This is a sequence that can go on over many dates and neither of you will commit themselves to too much until they know the full situation.
Revealing stuff about yourself is part of the plunge you take though, and whilst you are trying to work out whether your two halves are compatible or not it can be quite a daunting feeling that someone is working you out. You analyse every move you make as well as what you are already analysing about them. Everything you do is judged and a definite amount of over thinking goes on during dates.
There is unfortunately no easy fix for this and it is just part of the interrogation that goes on between dating couples in the early stages. But as I stated before remember whatever you are going through they are going through it too. Dating can feel long and arduous but it shouldn't have to be this way. You need to have fun together and enjoy each other's company. Be open and freely talk about yourself and you will most likely get the same in return. And if you are able to get the same back you should be able to live together harmoniously.
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