Thursday, April 21, 2011

How to Find Your Perfect Partner

Some people meet their future partner whilst at High School or at college; others meet "the one" later in life. Generally speaking, if you meet your partner whilst quite young you will not have spent much time thinking about what really matters to you in a relationship. The older you get the more experience you have and thus you will have a clearer idea about what you do or don't want.

I happened to watch an episode of Millionaire Match the other day in which Patti asked a gentleman to list five qualities which he needed to see in a partner and which would be deal breakers if they were not present. He made his list, shared them with the audience and promptly picked a girl who clearly fell short of more than one of his deal breakers.

This gentleman is not alone in doing this type of thing. Many of us just want to be in a relationship so much that we overlook certain aspects of another person which are clearly on display. We say one thing and yet we do something which is entirely different. It's human nature to want to have a partner; we are not designed to remain alone. Never the less, it is vitally important that we take off our blinkers and approach the situation with care and thought.

It's well worth making your own personal list of five things which you are quite simply unwilling to compromise upon. Make that list, write it down and share it with your best friend. Ask them to keep an eye on your relationships and see from the outside that your deal breakers aren't overlooked by you in your desire to find your mate.

Logic and emotions do not always sing from the same hymn sheet. It is all too easy for you to become emotionally involved with someone even though your logical mind is telling you that you are falling into the same old trap one more time. You find yourself justifying why you are with him or her and overlooking those things which are really important to you and would inevitably come between you in the end. This is why it is a good idea to ask a friend to keep a logical, unemotional eye out, just to keep you on track.

Another thing that you can do is to spend a little time visualizing yourself with that perfect partner, the one who doesn't violate your five deal breakers. Imagine yourself meeting this person and the life you could have together. In this way you gain a feeling of positive expectation, and your mind becomes more open to finding the perfect relationship which will really work for you in the long term.

Every thought that you have is a form of energy which attracts what you are thinking about into your life. So don't waste your thoughts and energy on worries or the fear that you won't meet the right person. Instead, invest a little time in picturing yourself meeting your true soul mate and attracting them into your life.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis mp3 downloads for relationship issues.

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