Do you remember how it felt being chased by a man you love? It is one of the most exciting feelings a woman can feel... You feel beautiful, desirable, and it gives you clear signals that this man is interested in you. But when the man you love doesn't chase you anymore, no matter how good your relationship is, you feel there must be something wrong. And as time goes on, you feel more and more insecure about his interest, which leads to bigger problems in your relationship. Hence, knowing how to get him to chase you again is the best thing you can do for yourself, and the man you love. Once you know how to get him to chase you again, you will relax, he will be energized and happy, and your relationship will blossom and glow again.
So the first thing you need to understand is why a man chases a woman, and why a man stops chasing a woman. This way, you can stop doing the things that de-motivate a man to chase you, and do more of the things that motivate him to chase you again.
To understand this, we need to look at history. The reason why men chase women is because it is because hunting is in their blood. Modern men are descendants of cavemen, who hunted animals for fun and food. So chasing women is simply another form of hunting, which men love for the thrill. Plus, when he wins an attractive woman's heart, he feels like he has won a prize. Winning a prize gives him the irreplaceable feelings of achievement - because he has successfully proven himself to you. Did you know that your love and acceptance gives him an indicator of what an attractive, capable, good man he is?
Now, since men love chasing a woman so much, why does he stop doing it after some time then?
One reason why a man stops chasing a woman is because once you are in a committed relationship with him, part of him feels like he has achieved his goal. He has won your heart, and now he wants to leave the taking-care-of the relationship to you. However, the bigger reason why a man stops chasing a woman, is because he doesn't feel good about chasing you anymore.
Anytime a man shares his achievements with you, he is subconsciously trying to impress you. If you take his successes and achievements for granted, or blow them off, he feels deeply hurt. Even though he doesn't say anything about it, every time you don't admire his actions, he feels less and less motivated to try and impress or chase you. And because you may have done this unconsciously, without knowing how much your actions or non-actions have hurt him, over time, his hurts accumulate, and he stops trying completely, so he doesn't need to feel so hurt anymore.
Do you start to see one way of how to get him to chase you again? You start by praising and acknowledging his efforts and achievements more. Men use actions to express their love. So when you notice that he's doing something, out of love for you, thank him and appreciate him, and notice how differently he responds to you. Soon, he will start doing more and more for you, and start chasing you again. But remember: you need to give him some time to adapt to the changes in your relationship. Don't nag him and don't tell him what to do. He either feels motivated to chase you, or not. So start to motivate him to chase you again by telling him you appreciate all that he does do.
Did you know that is so much easier to be in a happy relationship when you understand why men do the things they do? Because often, even when a man stops chasing a woman, it's not because he doesn't love you anymore... he just doesn't know how to explain they way his mind works to you.
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