Being a "nice guy" is something you were probably encouraged to do since you were young. It all started with your mom telling you to give gifts and compliments to the little girls on the playground. Eventually mass media picked up where she left off, giving you ideas from romantic comedies where the guy chases the girl throughout the entire movie, finally getting her much desired affection at the end.
Unfortunately, if you have tried playing the nice guy in real life, you've probably realized something by now: it doesn't work! The closest you'll ever get to a woman by being a nice guy is the shoulder she cries on after all those jerks treat her wrong. That does not mean you have to then become a jerk, but you do need to eliminate any cheesy nice guy behaviors. Don't believe me? Here's why being a nice guy is always a bad idea with women and dating.
1. Women Want Power and Status
This goes back to evolution. Most women won't tell you this because they don't even know it themselves. However, rest assured that this is what's going on behind the scenes.
Basically, women don't want to get into relationships or casual encounters with wimps. They want real men, with real lives, who have real power. Every time you bring a gift on that first date, or compliment her endlessly, she puts you into a certain category. Namely, the category of "guy who I would never sleep with."
This is the number one reason you have to stop being a nice guy. Take your power back. Never give it to anyone, especially when you don't even know or respect them.
2. "Nice Guys" are Actually Manipulators
Ask any woman who has experience in dating with men, and you'll realize that very few nice guys are actually nice. The guy that buys her a drink at the bar, or the guy that brings her roses on the first date - they aren't actually nice at all. How could they be when they don't even know her?
These cheap tricks send all the wrong signals. They say that you are not interesting enough on your own to be of value to her. They also say that you are willing manipulate the law of reciprocity by buying her items and hoping she'll return the favor, usually with sex. Women can smell this kind of behavior from a mile away. Cut it out!
If you want to be successful with women then you're going to have to eliminate "nice guy" behaviors. This does not mean you should be a jerk and treat women like crap. However, this does mean that you should place yourself first and only give respect to people who have earned it, and a nice figure or good looks alone should not be enough to earn it.
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