There is a wrong belief amongst men that you have to be really tall in order to attract women. The truth is the most important factors that attract beautiful women have nothing to do with height. In fact there are many short men who have an advantage over tall guys.
Once you understand the following secrets, you will know how being short can work for you when it comes to attracting beautiful women. Once you start applying these principles and put them into practice, you will realise you can have as many hot women as you want.
You will probably end up becoming serious competition for other men as well.
1. A sense of security
Short men have had to deal with a lot of teasing and sometimes rejection during their childhood and teenage years. This forces them to mature earlier and in the process become more secure. Women need this security. When they feel a man is truly comfortable in his own skin they can't help but to feel attraction for him. On the other hand, taller guys may not be prepared for actual life experience once they get into the real world.
2. Less ego
Many short guys are not into themselves as much as men who think their height is everything. Shorter men can be more interesting to talk to. They may also be better listeners.
3. Pursuit of their goals
This is similar to the above point. Shorter men tend to have a stronger drive to succeed. They also learn to rely on their ability not physical appearance. In the long run, this helps them to have a powerful advantage. That's because they put more effort into becoming good at what they do. Height and looks can only take a man so far - in the long run it's the drive and experience that make the difference. Many women can sense this by instinct. As they say, a self-respecting woman will always prefer a man whose life is going somewhere.
4. "Cuteness"
Even though as men we don't always like to be called cute, many women mean it in a very nice way. Simply put, there are lots of women who prefer to be with short guys. It's just what they like. In such a situation a woman will want you the way you are. You can easily compare this to your own preference for a certain kind of women.
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