I have a female friend who is single and who is constantly complaining about how men just don't take care of themselves. She recently told me how appalled she was when a guy showed up for a date in a baggy sweatshirt and dirty jeans. I think the guy thought it was a bit funny and told her he had no clean clothing that day and that it was either what he had on our his scuba suit.
Her reply:
"I would have preferred the scuba suit."
Why is it so difficult for men to understand that it's not your God given looks that matter as much as it is the effort you take into presenting yourself. You don't have to be a Pick Up Artist to pull women, but you have to listen to what they have to say. Some men feel that they weren't born looking like Brad Pitt so they just give up. They don't even try. They don't take the time and effort necessary to look decent.
What they don't understand is that this is the one thing that really makes a difference with women.
It doesn't take a lot of money, it just takes some time and effort put into your appearance and when it is done right, it can bring a guy all the way up from a three to a seven on a scale of one to ten. No joke.
But so many men just don't bother taking the time to make sure they are impeccably groomed, that their clothing is pressed and ironed and that they are actually wearing clothes that suit their build.
I've said it a million times and I'll probably say it a million more - this is one area where it is imperative that you buy quality over quantity. If you ever want a shot at learning how to get a girlfriend then listen up. Go to the nicest store you can afford and have a salesclerk help you pick out a good looking, formfitting shirt in a good color - black is always great. Then ask for help in finding a great pair of designer jeans and a stylish, but timeless pair of shoes. I don't care if these three items cost you six months of your salary and you have to eat top Ramen for two months do it. Prioritize your spending right now so you can have at least one great outfit to wear when you show up on that first night with a new woman.
Then, once you can afford that, maybe invest in two to three other outfits equally as great. And they don't have to be expensive, but if they are, spend the money. It is a million times better to have one great shirt than 10 ugly ones. It might mean you do laundry a bit more, but it will pay off. Women will look at you differently. And it shows self-respect for yourself. So make sure you are well groomed at all times, that your clothing and shoes are clean, ironed, and polished and that you have at least one great outfit to wear out. It might not even hurt to do a closet decluttering and ditch all the crappy clothes. Have enough respect for yourself to offer your best face to the world.
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