There are lots of men who never figure out how to flirt with women very well. They look and sound silly, hitting up a woman with a corny line or, at best, "Can I buy you a drink?" It's no surprise that most men feel awkward and clueless when it comes to trying to attract women.
Do you really want to know how to flirt with women? Are you really tired of being rejected because you're approaching them the same way every other man they meet is approaching them? Smiling and making eye contact may make her a little less concerned that you're not an axe murderer, but it isn't going to make you stand out in the crowd. It's like a bunch of sheep standing around the bar, bleating. What you truly need is these three little-known tips for attracting women by flirting. Not only will they be less ridiculous-sounding, women will find them and you a breath of fresh air.
No More Mr. Nice Guy
It's quite difficult to flirt with women and have success until you have at least a clue as to how attraction works for them. Women are drawn to men who make them feel safe and a little intrigued at the same time. They don't really want men who bend over backwards to please them at every turn. If you're the latter, you're just going to end up with a huge chiropractor bill and no date.
Think about this: Would you feel totally secure in the company of someone who did everything you wanted them to do, exactly the way you wanted it done, without ever questioning you or thinking for themselves. One would hope not! Of course, it's easy to boss around that sort of person, but you'll be bored to tears in no time flat. Women can identify a spineless jellyfish very quickly. Women want manly men, not wimps. If you are always 100 percent agreeable and obedient to her every whim, she'll soon realize you don't have any self-esteem, and can be badgered, not only by her, but by everyone.
This probably goes against much of what you've been taught about women, but stop being Mr. Nice Guy 24/7. This is probably one of the most vital tips for dating you will ever learn. Learn to compromise, but not all the time. Sometimes, things need to go the way YOU want them to go.
Be Unpredictable
If you want a woman to feel safe and secure, how is it possible to create a balance between security and a bit of intrigue? You don't want to bore her to tears by being a doormat, but you don't want to be seen as an overbearing jerk, either. The best way to achieve this is to occasionally throw in a bit of unpredictability, and a touch of mystery. Leave her guessing for a bit. It is important to balance this out with responsibility and self-confidence.
The very best way to accomplish this is to keep your life, your personality, and your values just as they are, even if they aren't precisely made to her orders. You might lose some due to this, but you might also be amazed at how much more some women will want you when they realize you can't be manipulated by your desire them.
You're not the only man vying for the attention of a beautiful woman, which means she's already in the habit of having men jump when she snaps her fingers, so they can keep her attention. Women can actually get bored with this perpetual pandering, so if you truly want her attention, let her know in little ways that while you'd be glad to be part of her life, you also have a mind of your own, and you intend to use it. This will set you apart from the rest of the flock of sheep following her, bleating. A bit of unpredictability can be a good thing.
What, you ask, is the final dating tip?
Teasing Her When She Tests You
Now you realize that women become bored with a man who does exactly what they want, when they want, you're probably wondering why so many women want their men to jump when they whistle. It's quite simple: She's testing to see if a man is really man enough to occasionally stand up to her, or if he's just spineless. Most men who fail this test end up in the "just friends" category.
It's not difficult to identify these tests. Most of the time they are totally unreasonable or downright silly. The best way to "pass this kind of test is to tease her in a kind way for being ridiculous. Doing this automatically brings you to the head of the class.
Using these three rules will make it possible for you to enjoy a huge difference in your dating life. Then your male friends will be lining up to ask you what in the world you're doing different, because suddenly you'll be the one who knows how to flirt with women.
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