Thursday, April 21, 2011

So What If You're Not Good Looking?

When I started out learning how to be more successful with women... I thought that I needed to be really good looking with perfect teeth and a head full of hair in order to get the really attractive women. I'm pretty sure you probably thought the same. I mean it just makes sense to us guys doesn't it?

Usually us guys are only attracted to women who we find visually appealing and so we just assumed that attraction works the same for women as well. Well I'm here to tell you that it doesn't! Women are far more attracted to the traits that are inside of a man as oppose to how he looks.

I'm pretty sure you've seen drop dead gorgeous women with guys who are sub par in the looks department. She saw what he had inside and felt attracted to him.

Sure women can feel strong attraction for a man who's model handsome, however you don't have to be that guy to make her feel the same way. So what do women find attractive inside of a man?

Traits such as leadership, courage, decisiveness, confidence, and masculinity just to name a few. The good news is, these are traits that any man can cultivate and embody. Evolutionarily speaking, if a man possesses these traits, he is able to fulfill his role as "the protector and the provider." Even though we no longer live in such a primitive culture, women still seek out mates that can fill that role.

So what can you do? The highest leverage decision you can make RIGHT NOW is to throw away your boyish tendencies and start "manning up."

Start developing your leadership skills. Go read books on it... learn what the best leaders do and start emulating them. Work on your courage. Start doing things that you fear. Scared to death of public speaking? Go and do a hundred speeches until you get over it. Trust in your own decision making. Even if it turns bad, you would have learned that it was a bad decision and can make a different one. Go learn what its like to be a man. Like they say "opposites attract". You can't expect to charm a woman by acting in a way that's girlish or feminine.

In due time and with enough application you will start to embody a powerful trait only a few men possess: masculine confidence. This is what's going to allow you to walk into a room and command the attention of even the most attractive woman.


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