If you have been looking for an easier way to look at dating and attraction you will find this article very interesting. We are going to examine three elements of attracting women. Even thought they are very simple you will instantly have a clearer picture of how you can quickly improve your dating life.
These elements are somewhat scientific in nature. Let's see how they apply to you.
Scientific Element #1 - Psychology
Here is how people get it wrong; men often spend a lot of time studying the psychology of women in order to improve their dating skills.
The completely irony is that a man is better off understanding his own psychology in the long run. That's because attracting women is already part of his natural function. His brain is already "wired" to make women want him.
The problem is that social conditioning leads men to believe that attracting women is something that's beyond him. So he wastes a lot of his time studying women. He would benefit more if he finds out which behaviour will allow him to express his desire freely.
Funny enough this brings us to another interesting psychological fact. When humans are faced with a problem they often look for an external solution. In reality, a lot of problems can be resolved by looking at our own thinking and modifying our behaviour.
Scientific Element #2 - Mathematics
A lot of men get stressed out by rejection. The hard truth is that we cannot have every single woman we want. It's simply impossible.
If you carefully examine your dating life you will see that there is a certain ratio of women you meet, to the women you end up dating. Every man's ratio varies but it's usually in the area of 10%.
Once you find this mathematical ratio that works for you, it's easier to be comfortable with rejection. By laws of nature, there is a certain number you won't be able to attract no matter what you do.
Scientific Element #3 - Habits and Biological Adaptation
Our modern environment is much different from what our brains were originally wired for. There are more images of naked women a man is exposed to than ever before.
This means that in order to attract women we have to develop new sets of behaviour in order to be effective. Very often this means going against our natural urges.
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