A lot of how to get a girl in bed starts with the right mindset. This means that you're in the "zone" for picking up girls as soon as you roll into the venue. What you have to do is to manage your mental state. There are whole courses about this, but they're not necessary. All you have to do is get yourself pumped up. There are lots of things to get you into the zone, and you should do this before you go out.
Some guys listen to music they're really into that gets them going. Other guys do push ups, yelling, dancing, jumping jacks; anything at all that gets you into that state. You can do affirmations, telling yourself, "Women like me; women find me attractive."
One thing that works really well is starting to talk to everybody you see before you even get to the bar. That's what you're going to be doing once you're there, right? So why not get fully into that mode before you even set foot in the door. Spending some time getting yourself into the right state will really pay off and save you time once there.
You should also be aware that it usually takes some warming up. Your first three approaches should be considered "warm ups." They don't count for the rest of the night. They're just to get you talking, get out of your own zone, and get the interaction rolling. No numbers, no lays; just get talking.
Wherever you go to meet girls, the minute you get there you're warming up. Talk to other guys, talk to fat girls, talk to anybody. In fact, it's much easier to warm up with not so attractive girls. Once you're in your zone, then you can start doing that.
Lots of guys play it cool when they first hit the scene. They stand in their corner and size everybody up, thinking that they look cool doing it. But it's a proven fact that if you're seen talking to people by hot girls, and that makes you look cooler. It's called social proof. When they see other people talking to you, they think you must be worth talking to.
As far as venue selection goes, it's also good to stick to the same places. The reason is that you start to get to know bartenders and things like that. It also helps you get into your zone to be going to the same place.
If you want to know how to get a girl in bed, lots of it has to do with the "inner game." Get yourself warmed up and in the right mindset, and it will help a lot.
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